We spent the day outdoors today. This morning Chris had an exam so we went into town. After dropping him off we went to Broadmoor Lake to the playground. We met N with her kids. She had brought Timbits which made Sam happy!!! It rained a little but not enough to stop us having fun......N had to leave around 11am so we then walked around the lake, saw all the baby ducklings and goslings everywhere...sad that there is now a bylaw stopping us from feeding them. The kids had races around the lake etc.
We picked Chris up after his exam and then drove over to N's house to collect the motor. She has kindly given the engine of an old lawnmower to Laurie so he can fix it and put it onto a bike and build his own bike or gocart with an engine etc etc. We drove home with the windows wide open as the gas fumes were very strong!
When we got home we had lunch and then we all spent the afternoon outside. We filled the paddling pool, had the water table out and the sandbox too. The kids had the water guns for a while and played on the trampoline. They each had a freezee and while Abby had the scissors to open hers, she decided to cut chunks out of her hair! Yikes!!!! Actually she didn't do too badly as she cut both sides so at least they match while they grow back ;)
Laurie sat and read an article about unschooling with Lego...and then decided to look on Ebay for some Lego. I cleaned up after the dogs and paddled in the paddling pool, watered my tubs and flowers and took lots of photos. I read some of Renees magazines and played with Sam who was carrying and dumping sand everywhere, and generally getting into mischief (as always!!)
Lloyd is almost home now...we're having sausages in onion gravy for dinner with mashed potato.....followed by waffles with strawberries. Yum! It should go down well as everyone loves my onion gravy...I caramelise the onions for AGES!!!!
I forgot to write about last night! We had an early dinner of lemon and pepper cod with my home made cajun potato wedges and sweetcorn. Chris had to be at the library for his training at 7pm. We dropped him off and then went and strolled around the farmers market. The kids had some money each so went off to spend that....Lloyd and I were trying to decide whether to buy some Elk antlers......we thought they might look nice placed in one of the flower beds....or hung above Lloyds workshop door.
After the farmers market we strolled around the lake and then spent a while at the playground. Abigail didn't like the sand in her shoes. We hung around the swings with Sam and Abigail while Laurie and Susie did more shopping at the market. It was such a nice evening. 22c and so sunny. The lake was really busy.
After that we collected Chris and got home for just after 9pm. When we went to bed around 11pm and couldn't believe how fast the evening had gone but it was really nice.