Abigail chose to go to Smitty's for her birthday dinner, but Smittys in Sherwood Park closes at something ridiculous like 4pm on a Friday, so we couldn't go there.....so we chose to go to the BP's on Wye that has just been refurbished. It was good because despite being supper time on a Friday, we got a table straight away (for 7 of us thats pretty good)!
Oh and the pictures of Chris are supposed to look a certain way because he wanted them for his FB profile pic lol!
It was a funny meal - Susie and Abby were on their DS's to begin with and then I used on and we were chatting via picto-chat - Chris was texting, Sam was watching Wall-E on Lloyds i-phone and Laurie was using my i-phone to play games. Lloyd started complaining that we were all on our little gadgets and not communicating - but I WAS communicating with the girls - chatting via pictochat in fact it was fun getting Abigail to write to me even though we were sat opposite each other hahahaha. But we switched all our phones and DS's off and chatted instead hahahahaha. I didn't realise that other people could log in to pictochat and join in - Abby and I were chatting and writing to each other and all of a sudden some other girl in the restaurant logged in and started chatting to us......weird! No clue what table she was at lol Abby and I were writing funny things and I was drawing hearts and saying 'I love you' and then some girl logs in.....