Hardback or trade paperback or mass market paperback? mass market paperback - I don't like hard covers as you can't lie down to read them and you can't read them in the bath and they are heavy...I suck my thumb
Amazon or brick and mortar? brick and mortar for sure - definitely worth the extra money for the delight of walking around the bookstore and touching the book you are about to buy...
Barnes & Noble or Borders? Chapters here in Canada, Barnes and Noble in the US
Bookmark or dog ear? bookmark - even if its a square of tissue or a post-it
Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random? random - life is just too short!
Keep, throw away, or sell? keep - always keep!
Keep dust jacket or toss it? toss it
Read with dust jacket or remove it? toss it lol
Short story or novel? Novels.
Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)? anthology
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Lemony Snicket - although I can appreciate how well imagined and how well written Harry Potter is!
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? when tired but it has to be at the end of a paragraph....
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"? neither....the opening of a book has to catch my attention and both of those are lame.
Buy or Borrow? Has to be buy! Especially with fiction - I just have to have new and I can;t explain why....non fiction I can borrow from the library but not fiction.
New or used? new!!!
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse? all of the above!!!
Tidy ending or cliffhanger? tidy ending I guess - although I like 'clever' endings.....
Morning reading, afternoon reading or nighttime reading? any time is a good time to read but especially at BATHTIME....
Stand-alone or series? both if they are good!
Favorite series? Shopoholic...probably the only series I have read....
Favorite children's book? The Touchstone by Gabriel Allington
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? Tales from my Front Porch....I forget the author....
Favorite books read last year? Mitch Alboms Tuesdays with Morrie
Favorite books of all time? Sarah Ban Breathnach 'Simple Abundance', Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, Emma by Jane Austen, The Touchstone by Gabriel Allington, The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks, Jemima J by Jane Green.
Least favorite book you finished last year? Nicholas Sparks ...I forget the title but its about a guest house in NC and a Nor'Easter blowing into town - I love Sparks but this book was useless! What was he thinking? Just dull! I didn't finish it!
What are you reading right now? The Memory Keepers Daughter
What are you reading next? The Birth House probably......
3 hours ago