So I went to Regis last night to have my hair cut.......Erin is back which is wonderful....she left because of allergies last year and I really missed her.....I don't think we stopped laughing the whole time she was cutting my hair. She always does such a great job too.....I was really unsure what to do about my hair this time as I was fed up with it long but not sure I wanted it short she kept the length but layered it up and gave the ends a really blunt look which I love! She had me in hysterics telling me about how her DH has said its him or a dog and she's considering the dog ;)
Laurie is watching something on tv and keeps coming in to tell me all kinds of weird facts he's learning, like how welding heat is hotter than volcanic lava!!! And how a snowflake takes up ten times the space of a rain drop......and how the moon effects the tides........
Chris is reading......I have no idea what the girls are doing but they're quiet....everyones kind of quiet's been a busy few days and I think we're all tired........
There is an art walk on Whyte Ave this weekend so I think Lloyd and I may take a stroll along there one day.....maybe get brunch there on Sunday instead of closer to home.....
Ok here's another funny from Abigail:
She was watching me get dressed this morning and as I was putting my bra on she asks "Is that your boob knickers?' So I explain its my keep my boobs up and stop them wobbling she then asks "Do your boobs flobble?" so I say "yes Abby, my boobs definitely flobble!"
Another cool thing I saw on the news this morning is that the city of Edmonton just started tours around certain cemetaries....I used to love these tours back in London...most cities back home do these tours where you can learn about the history of the people buried there...hear ghost stories etc etc......the London cemetaries are facsinating with the likes of Karl Marx etc etc......and even the little village where my parents live has T S Elliott buried there......and the church where my Mom grew up has the Turbevilles buried there...the family that Thomas Hardy based his Tess of the D'urbevilles book on.........
Well Edmonton doesn't have quite the history of England, but it's still I am hoping to go on one of these cemetary tours.....(hint hint Lloyd - want a date night in a cemetary????)