I'm so glad that we didn't do everything that we had planned today ......we ended up having a lazy morning because I felt ill and hadn't slept......and then we headed into town just after lunch...we went to the library and the children played the summer game...the girl working there remembered the childrens names which was amazing as she must meet a lot of children each day and we only go once or twice a week........she says she's great with names! Sam played with the train and sat and read some books........Susie and Laurie found the books they wanted and they each chose a dvd to borrow.........Abigail made friends with a little boy there and they sat and 'read' to each other.
While they were all busy the Mom of Abigails new friend walked over and started talking to him in a really strong London accent...so I HAD to ask where she was from....so we got chatting and turns out they've been here 7 years and live close to our old home in Glen Allen..she has three children including a teeny tiny two month old girl :)
After the library we went to collect Lloyds new sunglasses...as we were coming out of the optical store I ran into H....a friend I haven't seen for two years.......neither of us could believe who we had run into!!! She looked fab and so happy.....she's living in Boag lake which is really weird as we looked at one of the acreages there! I couldn't believe how big her little girl was.....she's 3!!!!
We had been friends back when Susie was in a class with her DS but both got busy and lost touch....she moved, I moved...life gets hectic......so it was really nice to see her! We swapped numbers and hopefully will get together soon.......
We drove over to pick up Chris from work and then headed to Sobeys for some groceries........I am hopeless at grocery shopping without Lloyd.....I managed to forget to buy sugar, I squashed two loaves of bread FLAT and the milk fell out of the truck when I opened the trunk and the bottle broke! Oh well.......I rarely have to grocery shop alone so thats ok!
There were lots of foods to try in Sobeys today.....we tried such a nice pizza that I ended up buying it for dinner! Multigrain with chicken, spinach and feta.......it was really good! So I did that with superfries and a big salad.
The photos I took at the library were all useless I'm afraid....these are the best three of the whole bunch :( I was in such a rush I think that I just clicked and hoped for the best.......
A journalist in Ontario is writing an article about how non-religious parents raise children with good morals and virtues.......I wrote and offered to be interviewed and she wrote back today and seems very interested so we will have to try and figure out a time for the phone call....I'd prefer to do it by email really.........but we'll see........
I personally don't see that religion has any relevance to children growing up with high morals.....people are always telling me how friendly and polite, how kind and helpful my children are.........why would that be dependent on my religious beliefs? Why is that society seems to think if you are not religious then you have no morals or values? To me that is judgmental and ignorant....yet another reason why I am NOT religious.........
I have many good friends who are very religious.......I totally respect their beliefs. I've never found that it has been a difficult issue between us. My very good friend Lianne back in England even persuaded me to go along to the Alpha course several years ago..........and I happily went with her because it was important to her.......I enjoyed the enlightening discussion but still remain Athiest.
Lloyd and I just came in from a short walk....we didn't go far because I forgot the Deet and the mosquitoes were bad.....I have 6 bites now....they LOVE me.....I have two bites on my neck by my ear....I think they love me so much they wanted to nuzzle my ear....... I took a few pics of the dogs and then of Cairo on the porch.......the skies are darkening now andf they forecast rain...no sunset again tonight.