Sobeys two-bite cinnamon scones are to die for! They are so so good but they do not take just two bites to eat them...and they are so good you can never stop at two bites! I knew I shouldn't have bought them!!! I am sat here having a coffee and some scones while I wait for the potatoes to boil....
The children got home around 3:15pm...they'd had a good day and had lots of news......Susannah took a poem to show her teacher - one she had written at home last year...and the teacher loved it so much she asked to keep it and wants Susie to read it to the class tomorrow!
They are all excited about the Valentine Celebrations at school tomorrow....if they were still homeschooled we would have been heading to the science centre tomorrow for the homeschoolers workshops....we were really disappointed in the last ones I don't think they will mind missing that! We will head to the science centre soon though to see the Lego was in Calgary last Fall when we were down there.......I wish they would change the science centre exhibits more often...the children get bored after a while...we didn't bother to renew our membership this year.
Val called to confirm brunch tomorrow....I am so looking forward to meeting her!
Christie - remember the words you gave us...the magnetic words? Well we didn't have anywhere to use them as our fridge is not today I bought a magnetic board and I am going to attach it to the big mirror in our bathroom...and then Lloyd and I can leave each other messages each day! I am going to leave the first one there for him to find tomorrow morning! Thank you!
So the Doc gave me new meds today and this afternoon I looked up the monograph for the drug (handy that DH works with Pharmacists sometimes lol!) and it says I should take these new meds with Imitrex or other drugs that effect blood clotting properties in the blood!!!! So why on earth was I prescribed them when the Doc knows I am on Imitrex???????? So Lloyd is checking with his colleagues as to whether I should take them or know some people would just take any drugs they were prescribed and trust the Doc...or would just read the drug company's info sheet and be satisfied...but I like to know the truth about drugs I I always read up as much as I can and search for people who have taken them and ask about side effects etc.....half the time people get side effects not mentioned in the info sheet......
Anyway, we will wait to hear back from Lloyds colleague...he works on the Electronic Health Record so these are the Pharmacists MOST up to date with drug interactions...
Tomorrow Chris has to take money to school for an auction...(did I already write about this?) the girls in his class were given a brown bag each and they have to fill it with a lunch they have made......then the boys have to bid for the lunches...and they get to eat lunch with the girl whose lunch they buy! So how much would you send???? How much do you think he should pay for a lunch? Of course he wants to buy the lunch of the 'hottest' girl in he wants to take the most money...but his friend says he is taking $25!!!! $25 for a brown bag lunch!!! Am I being mean or is that a lot???? I think $10 would be better but I will give him $20 and no more!!! It's a sandwich and a bag of chips kind of thing lol!
Lloyd just called to say he's on 21 and will be home in a few minutes :) actually he called and said 'stick the kettle on!' and I told him he would be home in time to stop me eating the whole box of cinnamon scones!
Tonight I want to work through some of the book club questions about The Glass Castle. Once the kids are in bed at least!