Where has the last year gone???? It seems to have gone so fast...just a year ago my parents were here to spend Canada Day with us...it was so great last year.......this year all the children are sick...Chris was so ill he couldn't go to the festival...and he was supposed to be working there for the museum!
Still, we took the younger four and managed to have fun! I lost count of all the people I ran into....the first people we saw were Sh and J and their beautiful two girls...even tiny baby A had a Canada Day tattoo on her face!!! Very sweet :)
The children quickly managed to spend their pocket money....and had fun making crafts in the various areas etc etc......they loved the petting zoo as usual and the farmers market.
We brought home 4 trees to plant in our yard...I got chatting with the man who gave them to me..... he's from Oxford but lived in Plymouth for a while and I recognised his SW accent :)
Laurie ran into his friends the twins and ended up going back to their house and now wants to sleep over......he may or we may pick him up after the bbq when we go back into town for the fireworks.....