Sep 15, 2006
Heather in Alaska!!!
...have to admit the grouse post wasn't my favourite...its a FAB picture though - your DS looks so proud.....its just we have 'pet' grouse living in our woods...they had babies this year......they are soooo sweet.
Of course I keep telling Lloyd that I want to move to the middle of nowhere and live in Alaska...he says he'd HAVE to hunt and it would just be a normal part of life........but I can't grasp that concept yet lol..........I'm still getting used to the love of hunting they have here in!
But I loved reading about how you cooked the're a stronger woman than I ;)
My Altar.......................

I had a new mantel fitted over the fire last was going to be my altar....a special place for special things.....(most people have an altar - they just don't realise itor call it something different..............its often a shelf or mantel where they display special things and pictures..............)
Well Lloyd was getting a tv to hang on the wall above the fire......and of course the bigger one was on sale so he got the bigger one which means I have NO room on my new mantel for anything bigger than a couple of inches lol...I guess I could start collecting those nasty little miniature cottages lol but I'm not 'in to' dust collectors like those...............
So anyway I have this little shelf in MY writing/ reading/ study room...............and it has a few special things on it including a few stems of oats from my friend Chrystals field! I think they are so pretty :) above is my altar changes dependning on season, mood and special things I wnat to display................
Making you 2
Go to page 2 of your Happiness Diary
(You can do your diary task any time of the day but evenings, just before bed might be best as the feelings you are left with will drift through you while you are asleep).Write down 10 good things you have in your life: people, things, health, work, favourite place, food, sport... any 10 things that you are grateful to have. Things that you would miss if you didn't have them. Think for a minute about what it is you love about each item and why they/it is important to you.
Remember that TV programme "Why Don't You?" (why-don't-you-just-switch-off-your-television -set-and-go-and-do-something-less-boring-instead)? Well do it! Turn it off at some point and do something else instead.
If you really can't think of anything you fancy doing, here are some ideas...
- Sort out your photos ready to put in albums.
- Go through your wardrobe and move all wintry stuff into storage (or bin). Then hang your summer stuff ready for the sun!
- Write a letter to someone you haven't been in touch with for ages: auntie, cousin, old school friend, go through your Christmas card list for inspiration. In many ways we've lost the art of letter writing and it's so lovely to receive something by snail mail.
- Go for a 15 minute walk.
- Do a little gentle gardening.
- Just sit outside. Listen to the sounds.
- Play a board game.
- Write a poem.
- Phone a friend.
- Do your nails / eyebrows / hair / face pack.
- Apply some fake tan.
- Talk to or play with your children.
- Talk to your partner.
- Read a book or magazine.
- Have a bath.
How often do you laugh? The "happiness aim" is to have at least one really good laugh every day. Can you think of ways for you to have a laugh? What used to make you laugh?
If you are out of practice or stuck for ideas, here's a quick one. Do you remember the no-yes-no game? Play with your kids or partner or involve a friend (doesn't matter if they think you're nuts - they'll enjoy it to). Each person has a turn. The other asks you questions to which you can answer anything but Yes or No.
"What's Your name?"
"Are you sure"
It's harder than it looks!
Initiate a conversation with another woman who you have seen around but never or rarely spoken to, whether at the school gates, bus stop, gym or just in the grocery store, park or stores.
Perhaps say how pretty/handsome their child is, or compliment their shoes, coat, necklace. Just be interested in them. Before you go, ask their name.
Phone a friend
Not the friends you see regularly but someone you haven't spoken to for ages. An old school friend perhaps? Or an old work colleague? Before you ring, think of 4 things you'd really like to know about them or from them - jot the questions down. Have you got 2 interesting things to tell them too?
When you ring check with them whether it’s a good time to talk, and if it isn’t, book in a time over the next few days.
Physical Exercise:
A key element of making yourself happier is exercise. It's important on so many levels: physical, mental, emotional - but often we are so exhausted from just getting through the day: cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, working and of course children can be emotionally exhausting with their relentless questions "why mum?", "when mum?" "how mum?". So it's not surprising that we find it difficult to motivate ourselves to do regular exercise. But the scientists have put it firmly in the "Happiness prescription" : In fact they suggest 20 minutes, 3 times a week.
So between us, we need to find some exercises that can fit into our daily life and the motivation to do it.
Borrow or buy a skipping rope. Local toy shops or supermarkets often sell them for just a couple of pounds. Or find some rope (as we did when we were kids). Do 100 skips... yes you can! Go on...Try to remember the rhymes we skipped to as little girls:
Teddy bear teddy bear turn around, teddy bear teddy bear turn around, teddy bear touch the ground, teddy bear teddy bear show our shoe, teddy bear teddy bear count to 2, 3, 4.....99, 100!
Then try backwards - can you still do it? Try that one where you cross your arms...
Rest when you need to but try to do another 100 and then another.
Enjoy feeling out of breath. Enjoy feeling youthful. And enjoy that lovely glow in your cheeks that will last for hours.
The small print: be sensible - if you haven't done any exercise for years and are out of shape or have an illness DONT skip till you drop! Take it at your own pace and stop when you want to!
A rainy Friday morning.......
The kids are very busy though....I think I have WEIRD kids lol........Chris and Laurie are having a long multiplication contest to see who gets the most right...they run in after each question to see who has it right..................Chris says if they did this in school there would be more mistakes but much more fun :)
How many kids pick math for fun?????
Laurie is also on page 13 (letter sized) of his story (novel??????)
The girls have been doing writing and math and all kinds of things at the table and are now doing a craft.....coloured paper and glue sticks etc are all over the table.................
Sam is sleeping.....maybe he's like me and wants to hibernate...he loves to be outside so much but after a while of splashing in puddles and standing in wind and rain you get fed up.....being outside isn't quite the same................
I wanted to say...those of you near Edmonton...if you ever want to come over for coffee and get some fresh farm eggs then just pm me or email me.............(you know where) and bring the kids over....they can go in and get the eggs themselves if they want to and meet our chickens.........if we're home then we're always up for visitors and we have plenty of eggs :)
So we were supposed to meet some friends out at another friends house by Tofield but that got now everyone is meeting at Millennium this morning but we're not in the mood this morning so we decided not to go..........we may run into town later though....Susie has a friend coming to sleep over tonight so we need a few extra groceries ideally but I may just get Lloyd to pick them up on his way home.............
Well its 11:10am and I'm getting hungry so I think I will go have breakfast.....hmmmmm toast or Special K Vanilla Almond???????? I don't feel like oatmeal today.