Apr 3, 2013

Scenes from Wednesday.....

Working on my Spirits of Joy online class.  This prompt was to try and work out what your number is - focus on a special number/ lucky number or a number that is important to you, and journal about it:

Self portrait for my journal...tired, hair before I've straightened it....but this is me :)

My gorgeous girly Rosie relaxing in the sunshine by the back door:

I finished the book I was reading - which was sooooo good and now T is reading it :)  I hope she enjoys it as much as I did :)  

It was early out today for Susannah:

Abby was still sick today - she spent some time soaking in the bath, curled up in bed watching tv....I washed floors, tidied, did the kitchen etc....we did some school work at the table or at least tried but the kids weren't really up to it - so Sam played Lego, showered and played on the computer....not a great day but I figure if she had been in school then she would have had the day off and done nothing anyway....she missed her class at the library today but we are heading to the library tonight as it is the last day to hand in our Spring break pizza wedges and we have dvd's due back....

Tomorrow?  Farm and Ranch show...

A walk at the dog park.....

Yesterday was supposed to be warmer than it felt, so we arranged to meet friends at the dog park for a walk.  Rosie had a blast - as did our friends dog....Abby was sick and her feet were cold, but she made the best of it for the most part.  Sam loved it - but then anywhere with puddles and sticks is a hit with Sam :)  

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