Laurence came home with two interesting notes today.......firstly that he is to be confirmed in April (??????????)
And secondly that he is going on a retreat with his class in April to study 'spiritual superheroes'.......they will 'study saints who are spiritual superheroes' and will learn 'how to be the best version of themselves that Jesus calls them to be'.
Well I thought you had to take classes before you became confirmed???? And I thought you had to be Christian??? They DO know that we are not a Christian family so I am assuming its a mistake about the for the retreat Laurie will just see it as a fun afternoon out as they are having games and things.....and he always respects the subjects taught........
It's kind of funny to me I am an athiest with unschooling beliefs and my children attend a very religious Catholic school :) but they love it there so we will just go along with it....
Oh and in case anyone here was children are free to choose their religion/ faith/ belief only condition is that they make a KNOWLEDGABLE they can say they don't believe in God but they have to know what they are talking about.......have read the Bible and read both sides of the argument......
My oldest, Chris, is not a Christian.......but he is very knowledgable and knows exactly WHY he doesn't.......he loves his social studies teacher who debates things like abortion and contraception and tells them to leave religion OUT of the debate!!!
Susannah (9) is a Christian and is loving her new school...she has always believed in God and is well aware that our views differ.....
Laurence (11) is agnostic.....sitting on the fence and although he doesn't enjoy the strong religious aspects at school, I think he is enjoying learning about all aspects of Christianity......I can't see him wanting to be confirmed though...and I don't personally feel people should make choices like that until adulthood....kind of like having a tattoo or being able to should be adult and educated on all faiths and then make the knowledgable choice to be confirmed....
jmho ;)