I hope you all had a lovely Fathers Day yesterday...we did. Chris made Lloyd coffee and brought it up to us in bed and the children all brought the cards and gifts up to the bed and we sat around on the bed and watched Lloyd open them all...
Sam made Lloyd the pen holder above at preschool but it was rather plain so when we got it home I helped him decorate it with all the lovely stickers :) and we got the special pencils from Home Depot to fill it with as we thought it was ideal for his workshop! Lloyd also had some dvd's and what he REALLY wanted - a cordless reciprocating saw!!!
We phoned our Dads over in England to say hello and wish them Happy Fathers Day!
Lloyd and I went to Greenlands Garden Centre for coffee for a while and did a little shopping there - Lloyd wanted a climbing vine to grow over his workshop - he bought a type of Ivy that grows in Zone 3 and will grow to 50' and changes to a lovely shade of red in the Fall...I forget the name....
After that we came home and spent the rest of the day pottering about outside......
Today our garbage is collected - as part of the new Green team recycling project thingy that our County is running...it's the very first day. No more normal garbage collection. Normal waste will only be collected every two weeks and you can only put out the one black bin and the lid must close on it. You can put out as much recycling as you like.
Every week in between you put out organic waste (composting) as well as your recycling. Organic waste is pretty much everything so actually very little goes into your normal garbage can anyway.
Now we have a system in place it works very well. They provided us with the necessary garbage cans - we already had blue recycling bins for plastics and paper so now we just need to buy blue bags regularly and I plan to buy composting bags regularly because I don't want the green bins to get smelly - although we have a composting bin and we feed Charlie food waste quite often, we still will have some smelly food waste and organic waste for the green bin and I don't want it smelly, so I want composting bags. Tissues and coffee filters etc go in there...meat and dairy products and oils etc - so some things that don't normally go in the compost box can still go in the organics bin.
But one thing I am not sure about are fabric softener sheets like Bounce sheets - drier lint can go in but what about fabric softener sheets??????? I have tried phoning up but the line is busy and they say to leave your number but our phone is about to be cut off as the trenchers arrive at lunchtime (FINALLY!!!!) and will cut through our phone line today......so there is no point...so I am not sure what to do with fabric softener sheets.....which bin?????? Maybe thats a question for LP.....
Ok have to go - Abigail has her last drama class of the year - her concert is tomorrow night :)
The trenchers foreman was here this morning :) They arrive in one hour and will start trenching at noon :) our contractors foreman will be here at 11:30am to oversee the trenching :)
We will have a hole this week :) they are starting our renovations TODAY :) AT LAST...no more delays from the weather or anything TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!!! :)