Oct 20, 2011

Wednesday tag....

1. How do you typically react in a sudden, extreme, pressure-filled crisis?  Would you want you nearby in an emergency?  I didn't used to be very good in a crisis because I was never given the chance to prove myself...I've always allowed other people to take over and was left feeling incapable...but I've found in the last 18 - 20 months that I am surprisingly capable, strong  and independent - and I can cope remarkably well in any number of crises...I am often the person friends turn to for advice, and I am often the person my children's friends come to when they have disasters in their lives and can't talk to their own parents.  

2. Caramel apple-caramel sundae-caramel corn-caramel macchiato...of the four, which carmel treat would you choose?  caramel sundae.

3. Is there such a thing as destiny? Explain. I'm not sure destiny is the right word for it, but I do think we are on a journey - on a path.....and that we are right where we are meant to be...that we are here to learn lessons and that life is an adventure.  

4. What's your favorite piece of furniture? I'm referring to something currently in your possession as opposed to something on your wish list. Two pieces in my bedroom that I refinished last year - a small end table that is solid wood with carvings in it and is now white - it is so pretty and I love how it looks in my room.  Also the sideboard that I bravely refinished in turquoise and touched up the handles and decorative edges with silver.....It's stunning, different and would cost a fortune in a designer store, but it cost me next to nothing.  I LOVE it :)  and it fits soooo perfectly in my room :)

5. Wednesday night marks the start of the 2011 Baseball World Series. Did you know? Do you care? Will you be watching? Ever been to a professional baseball game? If you're not an American do you find the title 'World Series' annoying or amusing?   I didn't know and I don't care.  I have been to  a baseball game in Edmonton.  It was ok - I got chatting to a couple who were sat in front of me and they explained the rules and everything to me and were sooooo nice!!  The atmosphere there was great and I loved the fireworks afterwards!  I took Laurence and his friends - JoAnne gave me free tickets :)  It was a great night.  My friend John loves baseball - thats all I know about it :)

6. A sound that takes me back to my childhood is tennis at Wimbledon on the television or radioMy Mom always used to listen to it.  Or chain saws cutting trees as my Dad used to cut trees down for our fire.  

7. Insert your own random thought here. It is cold and I am thinking I should put the heating on but I don't know if I can be bothered.  Tonight is pub quiz - YAY!!!  I get the Girl Guide cookies from Brandy and also the new fridge from Lorraine!!!  Tena phoned about work which annoyed me but kind of pleased me too as it freed me up for homeschool group.  My first class has almost sold out so I have had to offer another one!!  :)  That is such great news in just one day!  Lorraine and I have a deal planned which sounds great - can't wait to discuss it tonight!  Life is good :)  

Love :)

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