We drove in to see the fireworks last night around 10:30pm. We parked at the Centre in the Park - hardly anyone parks there and you get a great view without getting too close - we're too tired by that time to get out of the car and face the crowds and we like to get out of Sherwood Park and away from Festival Place as fast as possible before all the hoards of people start flocking out of the area. BUT, that said, we STILL like to make it fun and exciting for the children!! So, Susie sits on top of the truck and Sam was on Lloyds lap - Abby flitted about, finally settling between us, and Terry and Chris stood outside to watch!
The fireworks were lovely and a great end to the day - we had planned to have the sparklers when we got home, but sam fell asleep on the way home and the girls were so tired that they forgot all about it - we picked Chris up on the way home and everyone was so exhausted that we just decided to leave them for another night!!! I guess the exhaustion just meant we had all had a fantastic day!!
I finally got to bed and sleep at 1am after lots more chat :)
Sorry these pictures were snapped with my iphone so they aren't very good!!!!