Todays marriage uncensored show was about 'How to keep the sanity in spite of lifes busy-ness'.
It was supposedly a show about 'slowing down' so that family life can come higher up the list of priorities. I actually felt they failed dismally at this. Basically instead of saying you should cut down on activities and commitments, it talked about just getting used to it and telling yourself to deal with it.
the only thing I agreed with really, was the importance of sitting together as a family at the table each night - something we do almost every night except for date night. This is really important to us all and I know the children really enjoy it.
They did say that 'everyone; these days is rushing their kids from soccer to hockey to piano to gymnastics to swimming etc etc but that isn't true! Some of us have made the decision to say NO and we have decided that our children don't NEED to be doing activities all the time. WE don't want to spend our evenings rushing from class to class We DON'T feel rushed all the time because we choose not to over commit.
One question they did ask though was "When was your home last a 'house filled with laughter'?
My answer would probably be a couple of days ago when Sam used the potty for the first time but stood up doing it - we were all in hysterics.....that was probably the last time we were ALL laughing at the same time....but a lot of laughter goes on here.....Christie and I were laughing a lot on Friday.....Sam is always doing things that make us laugh......(like right now he has helped himself to a MASSIVE handful of marshmallow bananas from my (not so) secret stash!