Where did the weekend go??? It flew past so fast :( Sunday night is here again....
We had a good weekend.....the weather was good which always helps!! Chris had SUCH a great time at Rock and Ride on Friday night......they were even up on the dance floor ;) and he is now tall enough for the roller coasters he wanted to go on.....he bought his friend pizza for dinner which is nice :)
Saturday morning I had a photo shoot which went really well...its funny because during the shoot I always think oh wow this is going badly...I'm not getting any good pictures.....can't get the children to look at me or smile or sit still lol.....but when I look at the pictures afterwards I'm really pleased......
So I had the cutest little boy yesterday - his sister was gorgeous too and is obviously well used to posing for the camera :) but this little boy was another 'Sam' didn't want to smile, didn't want to pose....so we got the singing froggy out which he adored and some chocolate coins.......and the dinosaur and then the BUBBLES and oh wow did he love those bubbles!!!! And best of all I got some gorgeous pictures of him smiling........
So I was pleased with yesterdays work and the family brought me two gorgeous little plants including a miniature rose.....and a beautiful handmade card wishing me luck in my business...I was thrilled!!!! :)
After the photo session we drove to the agricom and went to the Snow Mobile and ATV show!! That was good! I found out about the various trails for quadding in the area.....Sam and Laurie enjoyed sitting on all of the different snow mobiles and quads..........we picked up lots of literature and looked at atvs for the girls and Lloyd wants to get me a 4x4 quad for winter.......
Saturday evening was spent with me editing the pictures from yesterdays shoot for a while and then we sat and watched Little People Big World before bed.......
Sunday.......we got up early and went out for breakfast.....ran a few errands in town (went to Superstore for a change and WOW what a difference!! I LOVE it!!! WE got some clothes for Abby and Sam who desperately needed some....and some snow boots for Sam too.....
Home and I finished editing the pictures from yesterday and got them onto CD...sent a sneak peek to the client and then I joined everyone else outside...Lloyd lit a fire and the children roasted marshmallows...I sat like a queen on the chair by the fire with my cup of tea :) the dogs were running about, the children were on the trampoline...weather was gorgeous...11c and sunny........
We came in and bathed Abby and Sam and they put on some new clothes and then we took them down to the studio for some pictures...but Sam REFUSED to sit still or pose so I got what I could...as you can see from the attached picture, he really wasn't in the mood!
I chatted on the phone to Christie while Lloyd went to fill my truck with gas...and of course forgot dinner! Oops but it was ok....I had a lovely glass of wine with dinner which is becoming a daily thing lately :)
After dinner Lloyd and I drove the younger three round the house on the quads and then once they had gone inside we took off on ours on the trails.....up on the side field we spotted two white tailed deer and sat for a while watching them...they stared at us for ages because of the quad lights.......
Now its 7:30pm and everything is winding down for the evening........Lloyd bought 2 dvd's on Friday Just Friends - which I love! And The Ring 2 - which we haven't watched yet....so maybe we will watch that tonight although we have some paperwork and stuff we need to do for our trip also.......
Monday tomorrow.........Lloyd will be back at work :( but I am looking forward to tomorrows photo shoot.....family pictures and a little girls pictures for her first birthday :) How special!!!
Goodnight everyone....