2 days ago
Apr 7, 2010
Random Dozen...
1. Define a great relationship: Friendship, trust, laughter, support, compromise, understanding....
2. Why is it called a "drive-through" if you have to stop? (Real question: What was the last food/drink you purchased at a drive-through?): After our hike on Monday we ran to Timmys at Nottingham. Lloyd had a coffee. I had a bottle of water. The children each had a bagel and a small iced capp. I wasn't hungry at all but was really thirsty for something cold - I just wanted water and all the water we had taken with us was gone...
3. As I type this, the Butler Bulldogs are getting ready to play in the NCAA championship game. Every Hoosier is hysterical about this except me. So in honor of the Bulldogs ... what is your favorite breed of dog? (I tried.) I like many breeds of dog. I'm not attracted to small dogs at all really. I like large breeds. I love blue great danes....Red Setters...but I really do think you can't beat Golden Retrievers - they are just so friendly and devoted and loving....real family dogs!!! I think Burnese Mountain Dogs are gorgeous too.
4. If you had to move to a state besides the one you currently live in, where would you move? Well I don't live in a State - I live in a Canadian Province, and although I always thought I wanted to live in the US, a few things lately have made me think twice about that. However, I would like to live somewhere warmer or at least have a Winter home somewhere warmer....I'm still undecided as to where - maybe by the coast somewhere.
5. If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be? I would have stopped my parents moving to the house they moved to in my teens - and I would have stopped Lloyds parents moving away when he was in his teens too - BUT saying that, everything worked out anyway - so all in all I wouldn't change a thing ;)
6. Who's the funniest person you know? My husband - and my children...they all make me laugh so much and they 'get' me and my humour so they know how to really make me laugh! Lloyd makes me laugh the most - not a day goes by without us laughing like crazy about something!!!
7. Did you get enough sleep last night? NO!!!! I was awake at 3am for about 2 hours and then Lloyds alarm went off at 6am but luckily he changed it and came back to bed for a while :) I think we're both tired this morning! Not a good night!
8. What's the first thing you thought about this morning? Lloyd woke me up with coffee and so we just sat telling each other how tired we were and giggling really...he was in his suit and I was trying to open my eyes but some mornings they just don't want to open - like this morning.....and it's funny....I'm so glad I don't have to get up and go out to work!
9. Grilled or Fried? I don't fry anything! I don't often grill anything either...I tend not to cook things that way...but if I had to choose I would say grill because frying isn't healthy...if I had to fry I would drain off all the fat - ewwwww!!!
10. Are you afraid of the dark? No...I think it's fun. To go out for a walk i the dark is fun and you can scare each other with noises etc....try and guess if there are animals around etc. We live so far out there are no street lights or anything so it's VERY dark out here....the stars are amazing...I love it :)
11.When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An educational psychologist lol - I wanted to work with kids who truanted etc etc hahahahaha which is kind of bizarre because now I think so differently about schools that I have homeschooled all of my children at some point and am unschooling my youngest two children....I would prefer if my older children chose different paths but unfortunately they have been institutionalized for too long now.....
12. If you had one word to describe yourself , what would you choose? Me.
Find your Random Dozen HERE
99 things...in bold are the things I have done in my life....
- Started your own blog
- Slept under the stars
- Played in a band (sang - but I wasn't good lol)
- Visited Hawaii
- Watched a meteor shower
- Given more than you can afford to charity
- Been to Disneyworld (twice)
- Climbed a mountain
- Held a praying mantis (But I've held a tarantula twice)
- Sang a solo
- Bungee jumped (I'd LOVE to though)
- Visited Paris (twice)
- Watched a lightning storm (many)
- Taught yourself an art from scratch
- Adopted a child (we sponsor three through World Vision)
- Had food poisoning (as a child)
- Walked to the top of The Statue Of Liberty (been to NYC though)
- Grown your own veg
- Seen the Mona Lisa in France
- Slept on an overnight train
- Had a pillow fight
- Hitch hiked
- Taken a sick day when you're not ill
- Built a snow fort
- Held a lamb
- Gone skinnydipping
- Run a marathon (ran a 5k though lol- thats part of a marathon right?? lol)
- Ridden in a gondola in Venice
- Seen a total eclipse
- Watched a sunrise or sunset (many)
- Hit a home run (in rounders lol)
- Been on a cruise (unless you count a dinner cruise going down the Thames or Seine
- Seen Niagara Falls in person
- Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
- Seen an Amish community
- Taught yourself a new language
- Had enough money to be truly satisfied
- Seen the Tower Of Pisa in person
- Gone rock climbing
- Seen Michelangelo's David
- Sung Karaoke
- Seen Old Faithful
- Bought a stranger a meal in a restaurant - (I've bought people I've never met before dinner - does that count?)
- Visited Africa
- Walked on a beach by moonlight
- Been transported in an ambulance
- Had your portrait painted
- Gone deep sea fishing
- Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower
- Gone scuba diving
- Kissed in the rain
- Played in the mud
- Gone to a drive-in theatre
- Been in a movie (do my Sons count?)
- Visited the Great Wall Of China (would love to do this one)
- Started your own business
- Taken a martial arts class
- Visited Russia
- Served in a soup kitchen
- Sold Girl Scout cookies (eaten PLENTY of them though lol)
- Gone whale watching
- Got flowers for no reason (married THE most romantic man alive lol)
- Donated blood (I can't donate blood)
- Gone sky diving
- Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
- Bounced a cheque - when I was much younger lol!
- Flown in a helicopter
- Saved a favourite childhood toy
- Visited the Lincoln Memorial
- Eaten caviar - it's fishy - lol!
- Pieced a quilt (several)
- Stood in Times Square
- Toured The Everglades
- Been Fired from a job
- Seen the Changing Of The Guard in London
- Broken a bone
- Been a passenger on a motorcycle
- Seen The Grand canyon
- Published a book (but several articles in magazines)
- Visited the Vatican
- Bought a brand new car
- Walked in Jerusalem
- Had your picture in the newspaper
- Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Years Eve
- Visited the White House
- Killed and prepared an animal for eating
- Had chickenpox
- Saved someone's life
- Sat on a jury
- Met someone famous (several)
- Joined a book club
- Had a tattoo
- Had a baby
- Seen The Alamo in person
- Swam in The Great Salt Lake
- Been involved in a lawsuit
- Owned a cell phone
- Been stung by a bee (tends to happen to beekeepers lol)
Saw this on Sians Blog and thought I'd join in the fun!! It's taken me a few days to find the time!! Copy and paste on to your blog - simply change the answer to fit yours - those in bold are the things you have done in your life!!!
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