We, the above pictures 'wilted Daisies' wish to inform you that just because we are no longer perfect and beautiful does NOT mean we are unhappy or depressed in any way. We, the above pictured Daisies would like to make it clear that beauty is not merely on the outside.........we may not have perfect petals but that does not mean we need prozac or therapy in any way.....
We, the above pictured Daisies are HAPPY and LOVING and DANCING flowers.........
....yes, we do occasionally feel a little jealous of the stunning Lilies stood beside us and yes we do often get photographed less......and yes we are about to lose our heads to the mower.....but......
.........................Oh, it's too late for Miracle Grow..........pass the prozac!!!
(Tasha sadly no all the Daisies are kind of 'over' for this year......they flowered much later last year.........I did have a few good pictures of them at their best which are probably posted in the archives somewhere.......hth)