I had a wonderful evening - going was soooooo much fun! We got there two hours early and the line up was quite long already - full of teenaged girls with nothing better to do but the atmosphere was sooo much fun!!! It was BUZZING!!!
I thought the movie was disappointing - there were some really good parts in it and it COULD have been really good - but it was runied by some VERY bad acting and some VERY CHEESY parts - OMG the part where Bella walks into the classroom by the fan....the whole theatre was laughing hysterically at how cheesy it was - and when the Doc walks in - it was so bad it was like a bad American soap opera!!! the worst kind - why they had to keep doing those terrible slow camera moves into Edwards eyes - it just made everyone in the theatre laugh when you weren't supposed to!
But it was such a fun evening! I really enjoyed going and there were parts of the movie that I really enjoyed - it's 50% great and 50% really corny!!!! It was great going to one of the first showings and everyone there being so excited to see it - most of the teens were dressed in Twilight gear and many of them had their books with them - and there were lots of screams when it first started - and lots of laughs at the funny cheesy bits the atmosphere MADE the night I had a great time!
The movie imo is NOTHING like the book....even things like the kitchen in Bellas house is nothing like the kitchen in my mind.....and Jasper...OMG!!! The only thing they had right to me was Alice's voice!! It's a shame they didn't go with a different director.....with these wonderful books they could have done so much more.
Lol thats jmho anyway
After the movie Lloyd and I went to Milestones for dinner and Lloyd said even our waiter looked like Edward - too funny! It was such a fun evening - Lloyd was a real sport to put up with waiting in line with all those teenaged girls - he was practically the only guy!!!! Luckily we got great seats near the back and by the aisle - perfect!!! I had my coffee for the movie too :) Dinner was yummy and the movie and atmosphere was fun! So the movie wasn't great but my evening was! :) I had a blast - Thank you Lloyd! YOU are all the Edward I need :)