We now have two chrysalis's in our jar.....just waiting for them to turn into butterflies/ moths now.....hopefully!!! Sam also studied this at PreK and they read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' which is one of his favourite books at home and he knows it off by heart. He was able to recite it as they read it to the class :) They made big posters of the butterfly life cycle for him to bring home, which goes with our project really well :)
For Sams show and tell he took a beekeepers veil, a box of comb from the hive, a picture of himself sticking his finger in a frame of honey surrounded by bees, and he took clover honey sticks for all his classmates and teachers so they could take one home to try. They started selling them at the local store the day before!!!! OMG what luck!!! :) His teachers said they were sooooo impressed with his show and tell and that all the children asked questions and he answered them all and he really knew his stuff and that I had obviously involved the children with the bees and taught them all about them! After class the teachers were asking me all about bees and honey etc etc. I think they are so used to the typic al show and tell items that they were pleased to have something a little 'different' and the children were excited to have a treat each to take home!! :) Sam was just happy to get his candy as each child that does show and tell is given a sucker! He has missed his last two show and tells because of being in England and being sick, so we really had to make up for it this time!! :) I think we did :)
So that's our bugs and mini beasts update lol! There has been lots of tadpole catching, frog catching, butterfly catching, beetle identifying, bird spotting, and beasty watching going on here since the snow went and the weather warmed up :) I love Summer :)