sometimes I struggle to think of an interesting title for a post lol!
So its Monday afternoon - the kids will be home in a little while....Dan is still downtown I'm assuming so he'll come back with Lloyd later..
Today has been a sleepy yet I can't remember for the life of me if I took my meds yesterday - so Lloyd just ran to the drugstore and bought me one of those little boxes for old people - they have 7 little boxes with the days of the week labelled on the top and you put your tablets for each day in each box so you KNOW if you've taken them or not..
OMG I am soooooooo OLD!!! And now Lloyd is going to continually take the piss out of me for being old and forgetful......he never lets me forget that I put my purse in the fridge - and my shoes and stuff like that.....and now this :( Last year he bought me some vitamins for over 50's!!!!!!!!!
So I feel as though I have done nothing today...but what HAVE I done? Showered and dressed.....dressed Sam.....washed kitchen floor, cleaned kitchen, donw two loads of laundry, vacuumed main floor, made a cottage pie for dinner tonight, set Sam and Abby up with colouring and a craft at the table...made breakfast for us all...washed a sink full of dishes....fed Charlie the pig and the dogs....blogged several times, phoned my sister (Daniels Mom Clare) and chatted to her and my other Nephews Oliver (15) and Isaac (5)
I've also chatted on Scrappershaven and checked out the blogs I read....I was hoping to read about Cheeriosbabble's trip to Toronto but she hasn't updated yet.....
Tonight we are all going for a walk again and as its so nice out we may have a fire and then have Smores for dessert - we couldn't last night because it rained...
So yep another ramble about my day....I think I need to add some piccies so tonight I will take the camera when we go for a walk....
Oh and I found out that Charlie hates carrots.....I gave her a ton of food earlier including some bananas and carrots that wweren't looking great - they had gone past the stage the kids like them - so she gulped back her bananas as always but left the carrots.....
She really is such a lovely pig - if you are standing outside chatting she will just walk up to you and stand so close she is touching your leg - it must be a comfort thing...she is so sociable!