May 1, 2011

Getting to know you Sunday.....

1. did you watch the royal wedding? you can read in the post below...we didn't watch live but I don't think we missed anything ;)  

2. tea and crumpets or coffee and a scone?  Both are nice :)  Yummy :)

3 who's cuter..prince william or prince harry?  Neither are particularly my type....

4. can you speak in a english accent?  Ooooh tricky!!!!  Yes lol I can!!  Even though I live in Canada and Canada is HOME...I am actually English and still have my English accent!!

5. do you own a fancy hat?  Kind of...I have a green glittery stetson...I bought it for Paddys Day but ended up being ill and not able to wear it - so I will wear it next year!!

6. would you rather live in a castle or an english cottage?  A cottage...castles are cold and unhomely.

7. how old were you when prince charles and princess diana got married?  were you even born?  I was 9.

8. have you found your prince?  I thought I had....but I guess not....he turned out to be a total of the ugly ones covered in I guess Im still looking for my Prince Charming...not even sure if he exists...

A Royal Celebration....

I wasn't really planning on watching the Royal Wedding.  I don't watch tv....not even the news these days, so haven't been keeping up with any of it at didn't interest me.  I had asked the children if they wanted to watch it...and Now Radio had briefly mentioned being able to go to the studios at 4am and watch it there with them....but then it wasn't mentioned again.

So when the children got back from Lloyds on Thursday night, I was soaking in the bath.  Susannah comes in and tells me - at 10pm - that she REALLY wants to get up in the middle of the night and watch the Royal Wedding with me!!  And that we MUST have British treats with us to eat while we watch!!

So, because this is such a rare occasion and I don't want her to have regrets, I get out of the bath, and we get dressed and take a mad rush drive in to town to Timmy's to see if they have any scones left!  They had ONE!!  One scone!!!  We bought it anyway!!  Hahaha!!

Then we decided to head to Walmart at SEC.  It stays open until midnight thankfully!!  By the time we got there, we had 15 minutes left to get what we needed.  We both went in different directions and filled a basket with necessary treats.  Scottish shortbread, various scones, orange juice for Bucks Fizz, Cadburys chocolate fingers, jam tarts, chocolate buttons......

We were home by 12:30 and went to bed and I set the alarm for 3:40am.  However, I couldn't wake Susannah up!!  So I gave up and went back to sleep and we ended up having all of our treats in the morning watching the Royal Wedding when they replayed it :)  Still just as much fun and we don't feel quite as wretched as most of my friends who stayed up all night to watch the real thing - and the real thing is soooo boring anyway lol as it has the endless commentary....

I thought the wedding was lovely...her dress was all seemed really beautiful.  I'm just not that big on the Royal thang....since Diana died I kind of lost interest...

New collection...

I started collecting swans about a month ago.  I had the little white one already, which was my Grandmothers.  I thought it would be a fun little thing to collect - something to look for when I'm at yard sales or thrift stores...but WOW they are really common!!  I can't believe how often I see them.  I have to limit myself to ones I REALLY like, ones of a certain size and ones that are in perfect condition, because otherwise I'd have hundreds already!!  

I had no idea swans were so popular!!

I like swans because they mate for life....and that is what I want to true love that lasts a lifetime.  I thought I had found it, but no....obviously I will NOT pine away...but I won't settle until I'm sure that the next guy is for KEEPS :)  

Dinner with Laurence...

I had soooo many plans this weekend - originally I was going to Canmore for the weekend, but with having had my surgery done and with stitches, I just didn't feel like it.  So then I decided to stay home, and I was invited to a birthday dinner with JoAnne and also the rodeo...and then to Caffreys to watch The Mishaps play - my friends husband is in the band...and I was supposed to get together with Samantha for supper too....but I came down with Susannah and Abigails cold instead!! 

I am hopeless with colds - worse than a man!!  I always think I'm dying.  This cold was horrible, so I bought Advil cold and Flu day/ night which is great but makes me feel really sleepy!!  

Laurence stayed at the twins on Friday night, then I picked him up yesterday and offered to take him to Red Lobster, but he didn't feel like seafood, so we went to Milestones instead.  I really wanted some company, but someone who wouldn't mind my cold, my stitches or my lack of amazing personality - and someone who would be a willing driver ;)  

I had a Bellini - one of my favourite drinks :)  and the Milestones ones come with a plastic animal in the top!  I used to have quite a collection from date nights with Lloyd....this Giraffe seemed to quite like my fact he ended up getting a bit tipsy ;)  lol!  

After dinner we came home and watched 'Love and Other Drugs' on dvd...quite a good movie..a little bit funny...a little bit's the story of a drugs salesman who is given the Viagra account...I got some work done on a couple of canvases too...but I was in bed going to sleep by midnight.
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