This hotel has free internet (as opposed to the $14 a day at Chateau Whistler) so I can still blog.
This post should be titled 'Back down to Earth' because we left Chateau Whistler (children driven in a limo again!) and came down here through Vanvouver and into Langely. This hotel is ok but more like a Travelodge than a decent hotel! I miss the five star treatment and now it is CLEAR to see that you get what you pay for!
Ok I am a snob lol and make no apologies!!'s raining.....AGAIN!!!! And there is no swimming pool. Bev has gone to Go Banana's a playground by the mall and we may join her or may just head to the mall.....tonight we will go out with Lloyd but he's working today (his last day of work for the week.
This morning we had breakfast in our room which was nice.....tonight we will go for a drive....I still have so much to blog about the last couple of days - just no time! So many pictures to post too!
Last night Jeff took us all to the Olive Garden (15 of us) Tonight Lloyd and I are going to the casino.....tomorrow night we are all going bowling and for dinner. Friday we are spending the day in Chilliwack with friends....a couple we met at Whistler - Norm does the marketing for BCAL and his wife (don't know how to spell her name but it sounds like Joldie) is so nice - they have inivited us over to their home....
Friday night we are being taken out for dinner by an investor - so it will be 17 of us and we have no idea where yet......Saturday we are all having breakfast together and then we leave for the airport.
Its raining again today...this BC weather sucks big time.....