Mar 23, 2007

So pretty!!!!!

Woohoo...I am typing this from my new Mac!!!! Woohoo no more viruses or crashing more flicking between laptop and one of the three hard drives on the pc........just me n' my Mac :)

And its so so pretty and so so small and small that we have been able to turn the whole room around.....and now I can have my table at the window :) And Dorothy is sat right beside me...

So all it is, is a big white Mac monitor..the teeny white keyboard and my beautiful orchid :)

Very Zen :)

First day.................

.Its the first day of Spring's 10:40am and the children have been outside on the trampoline for the last half hour or so.....Spring must be here :)

Lloyd is finishing at 3pm today.....

The computer (stupid stupid computer) is not recognising my card reader so I can't upload any of the pictures I took yesterday of Laurie smashing his geode or Susie in her cinders rags.....or Abigail on the trampoline with her hair all

Actually its pissing me off.
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