Mar 20, 2010

Whatever floats your boat...

Oh the things you find.... the snow thaws


Puddles have grown even BIGGER!!!

Yes, these are PUDDLES!!!  Not ponds, lakes, rivers or streams lol - but PUDDLES!!!
The children (and dogs) LOVE them :)

Lonely swing...


It's easy to see that this bank by the pond faces north and doesn't get the sun!  There is still snow on it :)

Our pond is refilling a little but we really do need so much more snow or rain.  This time of year, in the thaw, the pond should be full to overflowing :(  
The pond freezes at night still and thaws during the day.
In just a few weeks the frogs in the pond will 'defrost' and we will hear their chorus of croaks!

For you - a sunset :)

Ant hill

The ants in the big ant hill were very active - and not too happy with us for disturbing them ;)  They'll soon fix things back up though!!  It's always so fascinating to see the ants at work!

New income???

Moose poop!!

Well - THIS GUY sells 20 moose poop nuggets for $10!!!!  And today on our walk on our land we saw pile after pile after PILE of moose poop!!!  So I'm thinking I could start selling this on Ebay or I could start selling Moose poop jewellery like on THIS PAGE.  What do you think????  

Lol I did actually dry one out once and mailed it to my Mom - she has it in her glass cabinet along with some porcupine quills!!!  Hahahhaa  honestly!!!  Moose poop doesn't smell when it's dried ;)  hence the fact you can make crafts from it ;)  

In Alaska they do all kinds of activities with it - I was telling Abigail today about the 'moose drop dropping' festival in Alaska!!  She thinks we should ahve our own version of it here and have a prize!!!


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