1. How old will you be in five years? ...43
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? ... my friend Samantha
3. How tall are you? ... 4' 11"
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six months? ... Going to Vegas and New York :)
5. What’s the last movie you saw? ... at the movie theatre - Toy Story 3
6. Who was the last person you called? ... probably Darren?? Maybe Laurence
7. Who was the last person to call you? ...Samantha to say she was at the gate.
8. What was the last text message you received? ... from Tess
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? ... Darren :)
10. Do you prefer to call or text? ... depends who it is - normally text unless it's Darren.
11. What were you doing at 12am last night? ... I think I was blogging or on facebook
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? ... married for 50 years
13. When is the last time you saw your mum? ... almost 18 months ago. They live in England.
14. What color are your eyes? ... grey
15. What time did you wake up today? ... 10:30am
16. What are you wearing right now? ...denim capri's, patterned tshirt, cardigan.
17. What is your favorite Christmas song? ...silent night or We Three Kings
18. Where is your favorite place to be? ...at home or in Canmore
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? ... dentist
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? Cape Cod
21. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? ... No clue any more
22. Do you tan or burn? ...I tan.
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? ...spiders
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? ... probably something Christie said on Friday night...
25. How many TVs do you have in your house? ... 5
26. How big is your bed? ... King sized
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? ... macbook pro, mac desktop, iphone,
29. What color are your sheets? ... a goldy colour but I am changing them this week!!!
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? ... 1
31. What is your favorite season? ... Summer.
32. What do you like about Autumn? ... The colours, the smells, the festivals and holidays....
33. What do you like about winter? .... the holidays, the beauty, the fun....the excuse to stay at home, the comfort foods!!
1 day ago