Susannah spotted a Hummingbird at the feeder by the kitchen window this evening!!! They're back in town...
The birds are back in town...the birds are back in to-ow-ow-ow-own!!!! :)
I am so happy! And my Mum will get to see them as they are here earlier than last year!
So we have three feeders this year - be prepared for LOTS of Hummingbird pictures over the coming weeks :)
AND our Mallards are still on the pond...we have a pair who seem to have made it their home and are settling down to have lots of lovely ducklings for us :) Keep your fingers crossed for us please :)
Today I bought a magazine called 'Birds and Blooms' which is a special issue about Hummingbirds and the plants good for attracting them......and it even has an article on how to get them to feed from your hand!
My little friends are back and its not even June......that means we get at least 8 weeks with them this year :)