Sam with his homework from pre-k! He has to cut out and stick on a pumpkin to his calendar each day in October and then take it back to school on the last day in October. I took this picture this morning!
So I am obsessed with the Twilight saga......I have now read Twilight, New Moon and half of in a week I have read about 1400 pages. These books are totally addictive! As well as the books I have read all the out-take chapters from the authors website including the chapters form 'Midnight Sun' that she has on her site...I have bought Breaking Dawn ready for when I finish Eclipse, so there is no break and I can start it straight away.
It seems everyone I meet has read this series. I go into cafe's and sit reading and the waitresses come over to tell me how much they loved the books....stores assistants get talking to me...people in the street will overhear something and start talking...people notice the book in my hands and comment.....EVERYONE is obsessed with the novels and the movie coming out! It's like a strange cult :)
The wonderful thing is that Lloyd wants to see the movie as much as I do!
These are great books :) If you want to read a modern Romeo and Juliet - pick them up!
This just makes me laugh out loud because its TOTALLY out of character!! But when he first put it on I didn't like it at all and it scared me and I made him take it off and put it away because Lloyd is such a sweet heart and sweet and kind man that I am not used to being scared by him in any way, so I felt very uncomfortable with him dressed like this.
He bought this to scare the children next week lol! Too funny! If he tries to scare me I'll kill him lol!
You know you’re obsessed with The Twilight Series when...
1. First thing in the morning you’re thinking, “I’m the future Mrs Cullen”. (Yes, I know. A bit extreme? But some people do do so...) 2. You dream about it nearly every night (well, Edward anyway). 3. You want to go to Forks for your spring/summer break. 4. You squeal/cry/scream/laugh/whatever every time you see a silver Volvo, even if it's not your favourite car and there’s no Edward in it. 5. You cringe/smile/sigh/whatever whenever you hear/see Edward's name and it has nothing to do with Twilight/New Moon/Eclipse. 6. You find it hard to believe that vampires actually have fangs or some crazy dark side. And you believe all vampires must be inherently hot. 7. You counted down the minutes until Breaking Dawn came out. 8. You try to quote lines from the books for use in your everyday speech. 9. You are certain that your boyfriend is a vampire simply on the basis that he's sexy/shiny?/composed/whatever. 10. You start imagining scenes from the books in your head before you go to bed/school/the malls/the toilet/wherever. 11. You waste the ink of your print cartridge printing images and images of Edward. 12. You pre-ordered your copy of Breaking Dawn at some random bookshop. 13. You name your friends/enemies/whatever after characters in the series. 14. You cry because your father used Eclipse as a coaster for his drink. 15. You count down the days till Edward’s birthday 364 days before it really is (June 20th). 16. A love song comes on and you immediately think of Edward and Bella. 17. You’ve bought both audio books. 18. You create debates in class over Edward’s "perfection". 19. You relate even the weirdest/common/whichever things to the book. 20. You carry the books with you almost everywhere. 21. You almost fainted when you first saw the cover of Eclipse. 22. You’ve tried joining all Twilight fan clubs that there are. 23. You wish for Hollywood not to make a Twilight movie because it could never be as good as the book (you know you’d whoop their asses if they screw up the movie). 24. You start failing in school because either you’re reading the Twilight Series or you’re thinking about the Cullens 24/7. 25. You think you can feel Edward beside you while you're reading/dreaming/talking/walking/etc (maybe even when you’re doing nothing at all). 26. You’re talking to yourself but think you're talking to Edward. 27. You stay locked in your room until you've read it over a million times. 28. You start talking to it (the book). 29. You talk to your friends about it... even though they’ve no idea what you're talking about! 30. You ask them how you know you love the Twilight series even though they STILL don't know what you're talking about. 31. You believe that there really are vampires and werewolves among us. 32. While talking to your friends, they mention something that reminds you of Twilight, and you mutter a joke from Twilight and start laughing your head off. 33. You’ve highly considered naming your future son Edward. 34. You don't like vampire movies, because they always use vampires as the EVIL characters. 35. Whenever somebody mentions the words 'vampire' or 'werewolf', you immediately try to worm your way into the conversation just to make sure they're not insulting them. 36. You hardly ever let anyone touch your books. 37. You look at all the pale people in your classes and wonder if they're secretly vampires and wish to ask them if they can turn you into one. 38. You make a protective cover for your Twilight to ensure that you never leave your copy of Twilight when it goes with you to your friend's house. 39. You sit on the roof of your house/in your bed every night waiting for Edward to come. 40. You cry at sad parts of the book... even though you've read it just so many times. 41. You smack your brother/sister/whatever when they say Edward doesn’t exist or is a total retard. And don’t stop smacking until they say they’re sorry. 42. You've calculated your “love compatibility” with Edward. 43. You google Edward’s name to see what comes up and how many rival, clumsy girls there are… 44. You can’t make up your mind between Edward and Jacob. 45. You pretend Edward’s sitting beside to you while you're asleep.
tee hee :) Lloyd says he's too young for me....but he's older than our Grandparents!! He just LOOKS really he's like the perfect guy - isn't he???? ;) mature but LOOKS really young! hahahahaha ;)
Its Monday and after a lovely three day weekend, Lloyd has gone back to work. The workmen are here banging about again. they arrived just after 8am. Don't get me wrong, they are great guys. Doing a great job. I appreciate that! Its cold out there. Here I am still in bed. Hiding. In the warm. Hiding from the noise - the mess. The chaos. But I want my home back!
So the weekend was nice. Yesterday we went out and bought the kids their Halloween costumes at Value Village. Abigail is going as a little witch. Sam is going as a dirtbike rider. Susannah is an Evil Fairy. Laurence didn't get anything but wants to be a dead Jonas Brother!!! So we'll get him a curly haired wig.....Christopher was being his usual happy cheery MISERABLE teenaged self so he refused to go and is no longer being Mr Monopoly for Halloween.
I went and got a few clothes for me (Did I mention I bought myself some SIZE SIX pants????) SIZE SIX!!!!!!!!! SIZE 6!!!! OMG!!!! I keep having to PINCH myself!!!
Last night Lloyd watched The Family Stone while I sat beside him at my writing table and painted ATC's for a while, then I got into bed and read Eclipse while he continued to watch The Family Stone (bloody depressing movie - he always puts it on and yes its a lovely movie but you know, its OUR family - it IS - its OUR family - THINK about it!!!! and then the mother DIES!!!!!! Just GREAT!!!! And Lloyd falls asleep before the end EVERY time and leaves me to watch it EVERY time and I end up crying EVERY time ALONE while he snores next to me!!!
So last night I refused to watch it with him - I painted and I read about my Edward ( and he is MY Edward ;)
And here we are - Monday - bloody Monday and Lloyd is at work again. He's phoned me twice but I still miss him :( I love three day weekends but I wish he could stay home every day :(