This week is going fast!
Yesterday we went into town for was nice to see Samantha and chat and have time was fun as the children all had musical instruments and got to follow Samantha around the building singing Jing Bells...they all played hide and seek too :)
After parentlink we went to the mall to buy some felt....we also had lunch there again :) We got home just in time to meet Susannahs bus and we beat the bad weather back from town....literally by the time the bus pulled up, the weather was soooo nasty!
Chris went to a birthday/ leaving party last night....straight from school. It was held at Birch Bay Ranch (the place where Susie and Laurie are going to summer camp next year) and the party included a sleigh ride and decorating gingerbread houses.
Laurence went back to his friend Chris's house (JQ's Nephew/ cousin....relative of some kind lol - I don't remember exactly and the Son of Abigails dance teacher!) they were working on a science project together which included setting off fire works and videoing it...he's going there again today after school. They have kindly offered to drop him home on their way out this evening :)
Lloyd left work early last night but because of the bad weather it took him 1 1/2 hours to get home! The roads were soooo bad out there and many trucking companies took all their fleet off the roads....many cars in the ditch around the place and collisions etc.....not good.
Lloyd was ill last night - he had chilli for lunch yesterday but didn't eat much of it as it didn't taste right - well it made him sick :( poor thing.....but this morning he didn't feel too bad so he still went into work! Good thing too as he just called me to say he was taken out to lunch (again - this happens a few times a week) but this time it was to Ruths Chris steak house!!!! OMG that is sooooooo NOT FAIR....I've wanted to go there since it opened!!! It is soooo expensive (they do a $99 steak there and you have to pay for all your sides separately! Its in an old bank and they still have the old vaults and everything in there......anyway I am soooo green with envy but he's promised to take me there for my birthday :) Many people won't eat there because they only servce American beef and not Alberta beef!
Oh and the Mayor of Edmonton was at the table next to his! Geez...yesterday he walked down the street with Angus Watt (financial guy from Global tv) and today he lunches next to the Mayor lol!!!!!
He bought me cheesecake from there though and its in a little Ruths Chris bag so I will look forward to that tonight!
But then Lloyd won't be home until around 9pm as he is going to a leaving party/ dinner after work at Druids pub downtown.....what a job he has!!! party, party, party!!!!
Not that I can complain really...this morning was breakfast with Val and we had a few extras today - I invited Lucy - the lady that did the crafts at the Christmas party......and Val brought her daughter and her GRANDSON!!!!!!!! Yes, I got to see the new baby!!! And Vals littlest guy was also there - and he barely recognised me as its been so long since I saw him! :( Oh and guess what Lucy's Moms name is....Jane Emma!!!!!!! How funny is that?????? :) And Lucy was telling us how she was named after a scullery maid who practically raised her Grandmother! :) I love stories like that!
Grace was as wonderful as ever! She set Abigail to work putting creamers on all the tables and one guy having his breakfast kept stealing them all from Abby - it was funny :) Sam just ran about the place causing chaos as always - and stealing fortune cookies while Grace was distracted :) I hope Grace knows how much we appreciate her!!!!
After breakfast I was going to go straight home, but I decided to save Lloyd a trip to Walmart tonight, and I went instead......Chris and Laurence are taking part in a secret santa swap and Chris told me LAST NIGHT at 9pm!!!!! that he needs the gifts for tomorrow!!! So I ran in and got some nice things for him to give out....I ran in to 'toxic friend' who actually didn't seem so toxic (although this is why she IS toxic...because she is always so nice and this is how I get sucked into it all I have to tell myself do NOT email NOT arrange to meet up again....DO NOT do anything except be friendly when you run into each other......anyway we chatted for a while and she gave me some good ideas for the gifts I was there to pick up.
I bought Lloyd a box of Ferrero Rocher as he keeps saying he wants some every time the commercial comes on.....and I bought some more buttons :)
Then we headed home and the children did their archeology dig they are watching a movie waiting for Chris and Susie to get home...
Easy supper tonight - vegetable spring rolls with rice......easy peasy....then I think I will sew or scrapbook Glendas latest dare....
Tomorrow Lloyd has the day OFF woohoo!!!!! :) Can't wait :) 3 day weekend!
Have a great evening everyone!