Lloyd went back to work after Christmas today so last week didn't really count as our routine was messed although we did do a few things:
Abigail did some work in her 'Language Power' book.
She wrote a story about a character named Emma who wanted a horse.
We went swimming for two hours on Tuesday and to the indoor playground while Sam was at Pre-K.
We went to the Royal Alberta Museum on Wednesday.
Abigail wrote thank you letters t her Grandparents and received a reply from Grandma Thorpe.
Lloyd came back from England and brought back food and English money for Abigail to try/ look at.
Anyway, today we started our new routine. Abigail finished some worksheets left over from her classwork in school. I figured she may as well finish them. They were to do with long vowel sounds. Writing sentences using long 'o' words and then thinking of 4 words for each long vowel. She did very well.
She then started her daily journal and had to write five sentences about her week. She had to use full stops and capital letters and use her word wall folder to check her spellings.
She did really well! She also supervised Sams 'schoolwork' which was cutting from his new book 'I can cut' - a HUGE book of pages of dotted lines just for cutting - he LOVES to cut :) so she was telling him what to do! She kept an eye on him while I got my chores done and they finished there school work at the table. Then I checked what they were doing in between my jobs.
After their 'work' they did a craft at the table before playing, having lunch and watching a movie.
Tomorrow we have running on the track and swimming again if the roads are ok - it's been snowing all day today so I guess we will wait and see! Abigail also has dance class tomorrow night. Wednesday we have friends coming over for the afternoon and if the weather is good enough we plan to go sledding with them :) Thursday we have swimming again! Friday we may head to the library!! And each morning will be Language power, written work and I need to find her math program so she can work on that! Maybe dig out MathUSee again! See if she likes that!
I finally filled in her registration package though today as I was procrastinating over that!