On Friday we went over to West Edmonton Mall as Lloyd had some alterations to collect from Harry Rosens.
While we were there, we took Abigail and Sam to meet Santa...at first there was a long line up and after a couple of minutes Abigail decided she didn't want to meet Santa anyway! So we went off and had something to eat, and then when we were going back there was no line at all and Abigail said she'd now like to go! So we went straight in and Abigail sat on santa and told him she was hoping to get Baby Alive! (Baby Alive, by the way, is a really FUGLY doll with Bratz style big eyes that you can feed and then she poops in her own disposable diapers (yuck - like I need to be buying more diapers groooan).
Sam wanted to LOOK at Santa but there was NO WAY he was going anywhere near that weird looking guy in red! Not even would he be bribed with Cadburys choccy buttons from the British Import Store OR a giant chocolate chip cookie from BP's.....So we only have Abigail in the picture! Oh and the white mad hair-do is actually Santas hat!
The Santa 'set' is the one used in the movie 'Christmas in Wonderland' - the mall kept it up for this years Santa :) Not that you can see much of it in the picture!