1. Is sex best in the morning, afternoon, or night?
Night - you can be louder when the kids are sleeping!2. On which side of the bed do you sleep?
the right side (as you are lying down)3. Pork, beef, or chicken?
I'm not a big meat eater and I've gone off chicken lately so probably a nice steak....4. Have you ever had to pull over on the side of the road to puke?
In Florida... on the way to the airport....I had a very bad migraine caused by the tornadoes...I was VERY ill...5. What leg do you put in pants first when putting them on?
it varies6. Candles or incense?
candles in the bathroom or the dining table only - I think they are dangerous elsewhere..7. Do you dance when no one is watching?
of course!8. Did you play doctor when you were little?
don't think so9. Stove top cooking or microwave?
I don't own a microwave oven10. Would you rather your car or your house be dirty?
My car is a total pig sty - it's like Monicas closet on Friends and I'm totally embarrassed by it! 11. Shower or bath?
bath 12. Do you pee in the shower?
no....the toilet is beside the shower so it's convenient!13. Mexican or Chinese food?
Chinese food in Edmonton is useless but China 1 in Orlando was great - I miss decent Chinese food from back home! 14. Do you want someone aggressive or passive in bed?
depends on my mood and I think skilled is more important.....sometimes I want to be the aggressive one ;) I just like that he knows what he's doing ;)15. Do you own sex toys?
yes16. Corn dogs or hot dogs?
neither - I've never tried a corn dog. 17. Your favorite restaurant?
Joeys Global, Joeys Med Grill.18. What did you have for lunch today? I've only had coffee so far.
19. When did you last fall down?
I slipped on ice carrying Sam when he was a newborn and landed on my elbow - his head was an inch from the sidewalk and I was so scared! So glad I saved his head from the hard floor with my elbow! I was badly bruised but he was safe!20. Have you ever wished someone were dead?
no,21. Love or money?
both - I don't care what anyone says, money does help. It solves a LOT of problems and although it doesn't MAKE you happy, it eases a lot of stress and worry. Life (and therefore Love and relationships) are easier WITH money. 22. Credit cards or cash?
cash23. Has there ever been anyone in your family you wish wasn’t?
no24. Oreos or vanilla wafers?
vanilla wafers25. How do you like your steak cooked?
well done - I know everyone says it ruins a steak but I love that burned to a crisp tough to cut chewy taste.26. How do you like your eggs cooked?
scrambled27. Have you ever knocked someone off their feet in a fight?
no was just pulling hair stuff with my friend Ingrid at school28. Would you rather go camping or to a five star hotel?
hotel for sure29. Would you rather have a root canal or minor surgery?
minor surgery.
30. Would you shave your entire body (including your head) for money?
yes31. Would you rather have lice or an STD?
depends on the std32. What’s your favorite hard candy?
Foxes glacier fruits33. Ever been to a strip club?
no and I would HATE it!!!34. Ever been to a bar?
lol yes
35. Ever been kicked out of a bar or a club?
no36. Ever been so drunk you had to be carried out of somewhere?
yes, three times37. Kissed someone of the same sex?
yes38. Had sex in the car?
yes39. Had sex at the beach?
yes and its not as great as it looks in the movies - sand gets in places you don't want it to - YUCK!!
40. Had sex in a movie theater?
no41. Had sex in a bathroom?
lots - at home lol but not a public bathroom - ew42. Have you ever been in an “adult” store?
yes, lived near London and used to hang out in Soho a lot43. Is there anyone on your friends list you would ever consider having sex with?
um, not any more - unless I was no longer married.44. Have you been caught having sex?
ooops45. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
I don't think so.....46. Does anyone have naughty pictures of you?
yes - but he's my husband :)