Its Wednesday, and after a cold blast came through yesterday, the temperatures are back up to being nice again today :)
After waving the kids off to the bus this morning, I curled up in bed and watched the morning news.....then up and showered and ready to head out for the day.
We spent the morning at Parentlink - it was nice to see Samantha, but unfortunately her supervisor was in to 'check up' on her...and then at 10am she had to head out for physio on her I didn't get to chat with her - I left a note with someone else though asking her to phone for a chat when she can...she said she'd left a few messages on my machine and cell this last week...I am HOPELESS at checking my messages!
I also got to finally meet Andrea (Sheagatzi from LP)and her very cute little boy. It was good to meet you Andrea!
Parentlink was nice and quiet - Sarah and a few regulars weren't there but there was a PL event last night so maybe they were all tired from that - they often stay away the day after one of those!
Abigail had fun playing with a little girl there......and Sam did his usual thing..painting and building towers with the blocks! Abigail was thrilled to have pineapple at snack of her favourite fruits!
After PL we headed over to Walmart for a few things. I needed eggs, Frosties for Lloyd, my running magazine and some free weights. Lloyd said to start with 5lb weights and see how that goes. I used to use weights all the time pre children but haven't for a LONG fact at our old house the weights were only ever used as doorstops!
While in Walmart I ran into an old friend, Andi!!! It was so great to see her..... her twin girls were in Kindergarten and Grade 1 with Susannah. She's promised to pass my email on to another friend of ours, Hiromi, so I hope to hear from her soon!
We picked up a few Valentine supplies for some crafts we want to do.....and I bought a lint remover and a spray bottle for Lloyd as he keeps mentioning them. I love Walmart at times - its so CHEAP :) I seemed to buy so much but was shocked at how little it came to! Their tv commercial is so right :)
It should be date night tonight but because we went out last Thursday...and were alone for most of Saturday and had breakfast out......and then on Monday we got something to eat out before Costco...well we don't really feel the need tonight and as we're tired we figured we'd delay it a day or so.....I'm kind of pleased to have a lazy evening at home again :)
I got home and washed all the floors on the main floor and threw some laundry in....
It is supposed to snow the next couple of days. I have to head into the city tomorrow so I hope the roads are ok....
The children are home now as school ends at 2pm on Wednesdays...Susie is out feeding Charlie and spending some time with her and the dogs.....Abigail has been on Webkinz and is now waiting for me to read her ther next chapter of our current book. Sam is eating a hotrod while riding round on his scooter (yep my kids eat junk!) Chris is on his computer....Laurie is making a cup of tea.....
Ok, now Susie and Sam are heading outside to go sledding for a I think I'm going to curl up and read my magazine and have some marmite on toast......have a nice evening everyone!