Dec 8, 2011

Snuggled up....

So cozy by the fire that she didn't even move when Susie came back from the movies OR when Abby and Sam came home....


Christmas tree....

Mother and Daughter class :)

This is Abigail with the journal she is making for me as part of the online class we are taking together.  I am making one for her too :)  It is a lovely class :)  Sam didn't want to do it with us.  I think Abby was quite pleased that he didn't - as she is happy it is something especially for the two of us.... :)  

Skating with friends....

After swimming, Sam wanted to spend his pocket money, and while he was choosing what to buy, I spotted some friends of ours sat at a table.  I went to say hello and we sat and chatted for a while - they were spending the afternoon skating, and so Abby and Sam asked if we could stay and join them.  I figured it would be fine as they had wanted to skate for soooo long and we hadn't seen these friends for several weeks!! 

We rented some skates and off they went to skate for the rest of the afternoon :)  Luckily I had left money for Susannah at home just in case we were late - as she was off to the movies with a school friend tonight!  

We have made plans to meet up for skating again next week so my two are very excited about that!!

It was a great afternoon of fun. friends and activity!!!


Swimming day....

This afternoon we headed to the pool for our weekly swim.  

Abigail swims like a little fish now.....and Sam's swimming is improving so much!  He loves jumping in off the side quite far and then swimming back to the edge - and he refuses to wear a lifejacket unless I make him - so I only make him now when the waves are on and we go in the whirlpool - because he has a habit of being too adventurous lol!!


stop motion animation...

Sam spent this morning working on his Lego world he's been creating - and then he sat for a long while with my phone and used the app I have to create a stop motion animation with the little Lego people in his world.

It was great to see his concentration and how he learned from his mistakes and improved his techniques.  

It was a good morning!

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