Apr 27, 2011

Wednesday tag....

1. What is something that bothers you if it is not done perfectly?  The tops in the kitchen being cleaned...but I'm a lot more relaxed about it than I used to be....and these days I'm just happy that the children help as much as they do :)  

2. What is one of your best childhood memories?   My birthday one year - I had a birthday party with my friends and then after the party when all my friends had gone home, there was a knock at the door and it was one of my friends come back again - and she had a surprise for me - her and her parents were taking me to the theatre to see 'Babes In The Wood'....  :)  So off we went :)  

3. Do you plan to watch the Royal Wedding and when was the last time you wore a hat?   No I won't watch the wedding, but I will probably watch a few highlights or at least watch clips on the BBC news website.  I might even buy Hello Magazine or whatever to read about it - but I won't get up to watch it.  I lost interest in the Royals after Diana...the last time I wore a hat was when my Sister got married when Susannah was two, So about 11 years ago!!  I hated the hat!!!

4. Where do you fall in the birth order in your family? Do you think this has influenced your personality? I was the youngest child and third Daughter.I don't think it has influenced my personality at all - I think I'm actually more like a first born.  I'm more independent, smarter and I definitely never considered myself to be spoilt.  My Sisters would probably disagree.  

5. Where do you think you spend most of your money?  Food and eating out probably.  Soon that will change.

6. When you need to confront someone would you rather communicate in person, on the phone, by email or by letter? Why?  Email definitely.  Less confrontational.  

7. Dodge ball, freeze tag, kickball or jump rope? You have to pick one. jump rope or freeze tag.

8. Insert your own random thought here. I really should switch this off and go to sleep.  Soooo tired.  

Our day....

It was a really hot day today and ended with a few showers and a bit of a thunder storm.  I didn't want to go out because of my stitches and being really tired, so we had an at-home day.  We spent the whole day outside though!!  Sam and Abby rode their bikes, roller skates...caught frogs, played with Rosie, played on the trampoline etc etc....and I cleaned out the garage, did several loads of laundry, sorted recycling, swept off the driveway from winter grit, swept out the garage, sorted a ton of garbage, moved a lot of wood to the fire pit, cleaned up a lot of the yard of dog poop and garbage that had been uncovered from the snow melting....and generally pottered about.  We played fetch with Rosie in the pond, ate ice cream on the porch, and just enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and warm weather :)

I made a yummy beef stew that cooked all day in the crockpot and when Laurence got home we ran into town to see a house I like, and also to pick up some buns to have with dinner and a few other groceries.  As we drove home we could see lightning.  

This evening I'm drained and flopped on the bed.  Tomorrow I have to head to north of the city for my hair appointment.  Not sure what else we will do...I will see what Abby and Sam feel like doing.  Then tonight they are going to the dentist and bowling with their dad - I gave him some coupons for free bowling in town, so he is using those with them.  I was supposed to go to Calgary and Canmore on Friday, but I don't think Im up to it this weekend, so I might just have a quiet weekend at home.  Samantha mentioned going out for dinner....the husband of a friend is in a band and they are playing at a bar in town so maybe I will go and watch them....i'll see how I feel and how my face looks lol!!

Rosie Posie in the pond....

Rosie had great fun today playing fetch in the pond :)  But even when you aren't throwing the stick in for her you will often see her in there swimming around!  She just LOVES to swim :)  It must be sooooo cold but sometimes she will swim while there is still ice floating about....

For those of you on my Facebook, I added a video of her swimming where you can hear the froggies in the background too :)


I had minor surgery yesterday...outpatient minor surgery at my Doctors clinic to have some moles removed.  My appt was at 4:30 and I was the last patient...when I got there I was told the wait was another hour at LEAST and they suggested I go and get a coffee and come back later.  So that's what I did.

It was strange being the only one in the Doctors office....but it was also quite nice because I wasn't rushed or anything like normal.  He does his surgical appointments all on one day and they are normally all vasectomies....I did make a point of reminding him that that was NOT why I was there...which lead us in to a long chat about wanting more children..and me not wanting a man...and him saying I don't need a man to have a child ;)

Anyway....the surgery took about an hour and a half I guess in the end...maybe just under...I had to have a few injections in each area...then was left to rest while that took effect.  Then he prepped and covered the surrounding area and whatever and finally started...lots of padding all around my neck in case of blood.  The surgery was done and the whole time we chatted away..about having teenaged Sons (he has a 16 year old) and about career choices, life choices, education....medical training...how he decided on Sherwood Park...where he came from etc etc...golf!!!  Oh and he suggested I make money by making pervy videos on the internet involving blood taking and injections...hahahaha!!!  Don't ask how we got talking about THAT!!!  :)

Surgery done, I was stitched up and cleaned up and given a few minutes to get my bearings because I was light headed....I had arranged to meet a friend for coffee though so I was only going across the parking lot for a little while..so as I wasn't driving straight home he was ok for me to leave.

I had coffee with samantha but the anaesthetic started wearing off and it hurt to eat and hurt to laugh - so meeting samantha was totally the wrong thing to do as all she does is make me laugh!!!  I made sure to leave before it got dark so I could get home in daylight as I was so sleepy.  I really wasn't with it and probably shouldn't have driven...but I made it home, went straight upstairs and flopped on the bed until the kids got home.  I didn't sleep too badly luckily - woke at 5am.

Today my face feels bruised and sore and the stitches are itchy and annoying.  I have bandaids on but they don't stay on very well and if I take them off then the stitches catch on everything.

It's horrible BUT I'ms till glad I had it done.  Glad it's over - but glad it was done.  Today has been been ok but we had a stay home day and this evening I am sooo tired I'm just flaked in bed.  Tonight I am very grateful for a) my crockpot and b) living on an acreage so I don't have to see anyone while I have my face all scarred and covered in bandaids...

And he's off!!!

With a little help from me and a LOT of determination and practice, Sam learned to ride a bicycle with no stabilisers today :)  Yay!!!  I told him how proud I was of him and his response was "I'm really proud of my myself"!!  Which is the best thing of all :)

Back at the parks...

It's so nice that all the snow has practically disappeared now - we can head back to the parks and playgrounds to burn off some energy and get some exercise :)  Nice to have some different choices available to us again :)  We went to the park for a little while yesterday before heading to the library.

Ancient Egypt...

We learned a little about Ancient Egyptians this week:

Feeling 'Mummy cloth'...

Looking inside Tutankamen's tomb and coffin and inside his Mummy wrappings at his corpse:

Finding Egypt on the globe and we also looked at how close it was to the Equator compared to where we live, as well as Paris, London etc etc:

We brought some resources home and have also been reading some fiction based on the topic and watching some movies....

Couldn't resist snapping pictures of these :)

Love them :)  

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