Everyone here is over-tired and cranky......I can see it is going to be one of those days....I have a really upset stomach and I don't know why...I still don't feel completely better from those two migraines last week.....I had 7 migraines while we were away......5 went away with Imitrex but two didn't...and I am not supposed to use Imitrex more than twice a month really so it was not good...I put it down to change of routine and the humidity...........
I didn't sleep well last night and then Abigail didn't help as she woke up from bad dreams in the middle of the night and refused to go back to bed and would only go downstairs and watch tv and then kept coming up and waking us up.......then Sam woke up and came in and it had taken me forever to get to sleep in the first place......
This morning I feel so tired and crappy....
The children are tired from their first three days at school.....Chris was at Millennium place all day yesterday....so he is also tired from that and has cancelled his date with his friend at the mall today...
Susie and Laurie are cleaning out the rabbits....and spending time with them - Chris is on Charlie duty today - spending time with her in her new pen and feeding her etc etc.....since we returned from holiday she has refused to stick with her house training and use her tray.......and I can't have pig pee and poo everywhere so Lloyd built her a pen in the workshop until Spring.....so she moved out last night.....I have my mud room back! I will miss Charlie but I can't have a house smelling of pee and poo! She was doing so well before we left and was using her tray etc and only going in one place but not any more.....
So the UK got snow...you can read about how a little snow closes down an entire country at:
It's so funny when I think about what we deal with for months on end here in AB.....I hope my Nephew Isaac got some snow to play in......Louise did Yeovil get snow?
OMG I cannot believe how tired I am.....so so tired....