My hip is hurting me tonight. I think I did too much today...lifting mattresses...moving drawers, sweeping and clearing out Lauries room....carrying huge sacks of garbage and clothing and baskets of laundry......and now my hip is yelling at me that I did too much.
I have SPD Symphisis Pubis Dysfunction...actually I have the more severe form of Diastasis Symphisis Pubis......but most people haven't heard of that.....
It's a condition that starts during pregnancy and can sometimes continue afterwards. Luckily I only have real problems if I do too much....or if I do something in a certain position (pushing a shopping cart or pushing a vacuum cleaner etc......that movement causes me problems.....
I normally don't worry about it but I always know that if I walk too far or do too much during the day, I will pay for it come evening!
Tonight is one of those evenings!
I can't be bothered to go out for date night tonight....maybe we will go tomorrow instead......I have started dinner and we will eat at home (baby) potatoes, carrots, beans, maybe corn on the cob..... and veggie balls....Susie wants sweet and sour sauce with hers but I think I may make gravy for everyone else...
3 hours ago