Mar 17, 2010

Pleated ribbons...

and plain cardstock scraps:

One good thing about being 'stuck at home' is that it gave me a chance to get caught up on my homework for Shimelle's class 'Something from (almost) Nothing' as well as some ATC's for Swapbot.    I'm now all up to date.  

How plans change!!

We were supposed to spend today at a friends house - the children were excited to spend the day with their friends playing.  I was going to spend the day with a group of friends crafting - we were making brown bag albums!!  A workshop organized and taught by Joanne.  I've made brown bag albums before but I have a feeling Joanne was going to put her own, new spin on things!!  She's so very creative!!

Sam has been tired and a little grouchy the last few days and I put it down to us being busy.  Last night he had a little spot by his groin that he had scratched.  I didn't think anything of it.  An hour ago we took his pyjama top off to get him dressed and he's got spots popping up all over his abdomen - especially under his arms....

Yes, he has CHICKEN POX!!!!!! can that happen so FAST!!!!  He was fine when he woke up and we had PLANS for the day!!!

I got on the phone to Val, who was fantastic and gave me tons of advice and stopped off on her way to Joanne's, with calamine lotion and support :)  she said hello to my little chicks and made comments about Kitty's pompoms ;)

So, here we are - I've Emailed Jennifer from Monday and let her know that Sam has chicken pox and that we may have passed it on to everyone at the birthday celebration...

I keep checking his body and seeing for more spots appearing.... it's addictive - like a new hobby - spot spotting ;)

Paddy's Day treats...

St Patricks Day treats - not sure what we'd call them but they are Ritz crackers with green icing in between.  Sounds yucky but the kids LOVE them!!  Someone made them at preschool a few years ago when Abigail went and they were a HUGE hit - so I made them for the kids for school and they LOVED them - and ever since, every year they have asked me to make them for school.  So yesterday I made a huge box full so they could take them for their friends.  A little bit sweet and a little bit salty. 
And a little bit green ;)

When I was finished Abigail made everyone some to snack on after school!

Rainbow at Sunrise....

This rainbow marked the end of the thunderstorm....I wonder if the Leprechauns left their crock of gold at the end of it especially for St Paddy's Day.....

Random Dozen...

1. On a scale of 1-10, how superstitious are you, honestly?  Not very at all!  I would say maybe a 3 lol - if that.  

2. Julius Caesar is quoted as saying, "I came, I saw, I conquered." Which circumstance or experience of yours does this saying best describe?   Lloyd lol - poor guy ;)  I think he WANTED to be conquered though hahahahaha ;)

3. If I peeked in on your day like a mischievous little leprechaun, at what time would I most likely find you blogging?  Either first thing in the morning sat in bed......early afternoon (which is when I have my lunch) or early evening.  Unless it's a day at home and then I will sit at my laptop beside the children while they are doing their homeschool work / crafts etc and it could be ay time of day.....

4. Re springing forward for Daylight Saving Time, is there anything you've ever been really early or really late for?  Years ago Laurence and Chris played soccer on Sunday mornings - when they were about 4 and 6 years old.  My Ex and I forgot to change the clocks and turned up at soccer just as it finished :(  I think we felt so bad that the boys had missed their class that we took them out to McD's or an indoor playground or the park somewhere instead!!!

5. What are you most looking forward to concerning Spring?  Wearing sandals instead of big boots, picnics, just playing outside so much more and knowing we don't need coats with us!!  Park playdates, the outdoor pools and sprayparks opening!!  Going geocaching!!

6. Shamrocks are the national flower of Ireland and are picked on St. Patrick's Day and worn on the lapel or shoulder. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day? No but we do have special treats that we make for the children to share with their friends and we make special crafts!!

7. One of Caesar's assassins, Casca, said, "But, for my own part, it was Greek to me," which of course means he didn't understand something. Probably his own lines in the play. Anyway, what is something that is "Greek to you," something incomprehensible or indecipherable?   Highschool math!!  It's like nothing I ever saw in the UK!!  

8. Is March behaving more like a lion or a lamb where you live? March is acting like a lamb this year and I'm LOVING it :)  they keep saying it might change - and that wouldn't surprise me - and we do NEED more snow, but I am LOVING this weather :)  The snow is almost all gone!!!!  We're even having a thunderstorm right NOW - thunder and lightning!!!!

9. "An extra yawn one morning in the springtime, an extra snooze one night in the autumn is all that we ask in return for dazzling gifts. We borrow an hour one night in April; we pay it back with golden interest five months later." -Winston Churchill. If you had one extra hour per day every day, what would you do with it?  More of the little flowers that Lucy posted on Attic 24 ;)

10. Legend says that every Leprechaun has a pot of gold hidden deep in the Irish countryside. Aside from real gold or money, what material item would be in your dream pot of gold?     nice pens and notebooks :)

11. "The best things are nearest: breath in your nostrils, light in your eyes, flowers at your feet, duties at your hand, the path of God just before you." Robert Louis Stevenson. Look around you right now and tell us about something essential or beautiful very near you that you take for granted every day.      The sunrise

12. Just for a bit o' fun, click here( and then report your Irish name. Mine is "Zoe O'Sullivan." I love it!   Aishling O'Mahony

Get your Random Dozen HERE
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