Lloyd went in to work late today - very late for him. He woke me at 8am and then joined me for coffee before leaving........normally that means he would work a bit later, but he finished today at 4pm and is on his way home...after stopping off for chicken feed on the way.....
Susie is busy at the table finishing the mobile she started making yesterday......i'll add a pic when she is done.....it has clouds and rainbows and lightening fluttering round a big sun!
Abigail has been cutting out lots of sunshines too........must be the weather....and taslking of the weather the news has said that we may have an energy crisis here in AB because we are all using too much power at once...running air conditioning units and fans.......so they are asking people to cut back....I didn't hear until late this afternoon...by which time I have done my normal Monday laundry of about 6 loads....in the washer and the dryer.....and I've had the fan going...and had the kettle boiling for coffee AND the dishwasher has done two cycles! Ah well! I refuse to feel guilty when Lloyd works for the government and they haven't taken any measures to cut back.......you know the ac is run so cold in some offices that the staff have to run HEATERS because its too cold!!!!! So I will continue to use whatever I feel necessary!
So much for Alberta being the 'Energy Province' and now I've heard that they have closed the splashpark.........water shortage and power shortage.........no splashpark!! We love it there :(
So my jerk of an ex is late paying AGAIN.....he says its because he is self employed...well sorry dork but that doesn't stop you from LETTING ME KNOW!!!!! I keep telling him...I just wantt o KNOW when to expect my maintenance...thats all...if it's going to be late thats ok - JUST LET ME KNOW!!!!!! GGGgrrrrrrr
So I'm hoping to go to A Taste of Edmonton with C before it finishes.....I have never been and Lloyd wasn't impressed when he went so isn't keen to take me lol! So I figure a girls night out will be fun! And with food too - even better :)
Ooh Lloyds home :) yay :)