I didn't get to have breakfast with Val and Christie today....last night just before 10pm, Abigails preschool teacher phoned to say her Grandma had died....so she asked me to work in her place today......she had asked the other day and I had said just to call if I was needed....I was disappointed to not have breakfast but happy to help...
I had to be there for 8:30am which isn't easy for me...geez I can't even get there on time at 9am.....so I got there at 8:45.....helped set up while Abby played with Nick....
6 children were off today so we had 15 in the class....I think....it seemed like we still had 600 in the class.....snotty noses, tears, temper tantrums...and I was on girl bathroom duty which meant I had to take 9 (I think) little girls to the washroom to use the toilet and wash their hands.....NOT as easy as it sounds!!!
I survived though and it wasn't so bad.....it was cute being called 'teacher' again and nice to get hugs from all the kids.....we drew around them all and they coloured themselves in....and we played with the parachute too...Sam LOVED that!
We went home and Dan made Sam and Abby lunch.....then he called his Mom for a chat...I vacuumed, did some laundry......cleaned the kitchen...then I had a lovely relaxing shower........
After the kids got home from school we got the jelly beans and chopsticks out and taught Dan how to use them....he did great and after a while of practicing we did some timed contests..who could pick up the most beans and put them in another bowl within a certain time....Laurie won twice and Dan won once...Susie did great too and even Sam went and got himself a bowl to try....I have lots of pictures to add.....
When Lloyd got home from work, he and Dan set off into the woods to look for body parts - the dogs keep coming back from somewhere with body parts of 'something' so Lloyd wanted to find out what....but they couldn't find anything.....the bones the dogs get are so disgusting looking...big too....gross but they won't let us take them away from them.....
Then Barry the water guy came to take samples of our water.....and he is coming next week to shock the well (chlorinate it) and then we are having the well changed in a little while so it will no longer be a big hole in the ground but will be all filled in...
Then we had dinner - home made potato wedges with cheese salad....and Dan had tuna mayonaise with his too.....
After dinner we chatted a while and were looking out of the window when we saw a moose walking up the road!!!! So we all went out onto the porch and it walked through the trees onto our land..........it walked a little way in, watched us for a while and then turned and walked back out....so Dan ran down the driveway to look for it...with Rosie with him...but the moose was gone...so we jumped in the car and went on a moose hunt!!!! We saw nothing...except a poor little black dog dead at the side of the road :( thats just so sad...I wonder whose dog it is...if there are children missing it? :(
Ok now to add some pics I guess.....Dan is watching Panic Room on dvd....the girls are in bed, Sam is asleep on the sofa...Chris just got back from his friends - he cycled there after school and stayed for dinner.....Lloyd is going to his workshop to work on the dog house he is building.....which I have pics of that I haven't added yet....
Its been a long day. I'm tired.