Outside My Window... It is dark and cold....the grass is brown and we wake up to it all frosty each morning - sparkling like crystals in the daylight. They forecast a little snow by the end of the week. I think they said this is the latest Edmonton has had snow in over 20 years or something....
I am thinking...about some messages I received...and how I am reminded once again of the lucky escape I have had. Although I still have moments when I think otherwise, they are few and far between, and really I know everything has happened for the best and I really have had such a lucky escape. When I think of what could have been.....I am also thinking that I am NO ONE'S WIFE!!! :) OH NO!!!! NO THANK YOU!!! :) ppfffftttt sorry buddy you gave that up a LONG time ago :)
I am thankful for...a lovely weekend with Susannah with a little bit of everything thrown in, shopping, relaxing, walking, photography, art, movie time, reading, games night, chatting,
From the kitchen... garlic and dill potatoes
I am wearing...socks, because it's no longer sandal wearing weather :(
I am creating...art every day as part of 'AEDM'....a curriculum for all my classes as well as a timetable for them....and ideas for numerous other classes. Canvases to sell on Etsy....
I am going...to take the children to Farmfair, the art gallery and their climbing class this week as well as to meet some friends for a walk at a park - maybe the Wilderness Centre.
I am reading...'Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons',
I am hoping...to find time to work on my posters this week.
I am hearing... Fitzy laughing on Now Radio...and Susie tapping on the keyboard as she chats to her friends.
Around the house...I need to wash the windows. They are driving me crazy. I am just never at home. I am hoping to have a day at home this week when I can actually get some things done. Washing the windows would definitely be one thing I would like to do! Upstairs and down, inside and out!..
One of my favorite things...is having what I call 'real artists' contact me online and treat ME like a 'real artist'...they don't know I am new to all of this and therefore they don't treat me any differently than they treat other artists....the more time I spend around artists, in art stores...around Whyte Ave....talking with artists...hanging around those places and with those people...the more I feel like I BELONG...like I AM an artist....and they LIKE my work...and they respect my work and my classes and value them....you have no idea how good that feels :)
I am an ARTIST. I am an ART TEACHER.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...the kids are looking forward to their friends sleeping over next weekend. I'm looking forward to introducing T to art class MY style :) Laurence is coming home at some point...he said he probably won't be at the twins all week. We have climbing class....not too much going on as it's Fall Break. Hope to get out with Rosie and get fresh air most days and make the most of there being no snow.
Library tomorrow. Susannah needs a book for her homework. One of my canvases is heading off across the country!