Today we went to the Waterpark - it was for a fundraiser for CAZA - Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums. We got 12 tickets and took a friend of Laurences and 4 friends of Chris's.....because there were so many of us we rented a Cabana so we could all keep our bags and clothes in there and have the bathroom close by and some chairs and a table etc etc.....We were there by 9am and had a great morning in the pool. We had exclusive use of the pool until 11 or 11:30 or so and then it was opened to the public.
Lloyd and I got out with the little ones around mid day but left the older ones in the pool. We went to Boston Pizza for lunch. Laurie and his friend met us around 2pm but Chris ended up staying at the mall and in the waterpark for the afternoon and is getting a ride home later.
Oh and NO sniggering at me in my bathing suit ;)
This was my first time at the waterpark!!!! Have to say I had a great time!!! I've been to better ones though!!! The water palace in Croydon was better - and the big one near Birmingham........forget the name lol.......but I love swimming and pools and waves and water....so it was great!!!! Lloyd pushed me down a slide and I went sooooo fast OMG!!!! And Laurie went down the red slides a few times!!!! No way was I going down that!!!!! lol!!!!