So we had fun at the splash park...we got there at 10:30 and got home around 3:30..............it was really nice to see Tasha again although it feels like I know her really well and see her a lot because of her blog!!! Blogs are strange in that way........It was funny when I got out a big box of Coscto two bite brownies and Hallie took 3 :) but I thought it was brilliant........very sensible if you ask me...if you like something take lots before they all go :) a girl after my own heart :)
I didn't see much of Abigail as she was off playing ...I did spot her one time running after a boy of about 8 trying to throw a bucketful of cold water at him!!!
When we were leaving to go home, the children wanted to play on the swings for a while so I left them there while I trekked the big bag of supplies back to the car............I sat in the car with the AC on and waited for them.....a few minutes later I saw Susie walking holding Sams hand......a few seconds later Laurie joined them....then Chris and then Abigail until they were all walking along together chatting and laughing......I soooo wish I had had a camera.....I just felt so proud watching my 5 gorgeous children walking along together.......I hope they stay so close as they get older...I hope homeschool brings that to us as a family...it seems to be so far.........
It was a very special moment .....one I am sad not to have on camera....my camera was in the trunk and was full :( but I will remember that moment in my mind forever.