Its Monday and after a lovely three day weekend, Lloyd has gone back to work. The workmen are here banging about again. they arrived just after 8am. Don't get me wrong, they are great guys. Doing a great job. I appreciate that! Its cold out there. Here I am still in bed. Hiding. In the warm. Hiding from the noise - the mess. The chaos. But I want my home back!
So the weekend was nice. Yesterday we went out and bought the kids their Halloween costumes at Value Village. Abigail is going as a little witch. Sam is going as a dirtbike rider. Susannah is an Evil Fairy. Laurence didn't get anything but wants to be a dead Jonas Brother!!! So we'll get him a curly haired wig.....Christopher was being his usual happy cheery MISERABLE teenaged self so he refused to go and is no longer being Mr Monopoly for Halloween.
I went and got a few clothes for me (Did I mention I bought myself some SIZE SIX pants????) SIZE SIX!!!!!!!!! SIZE 6!!!! OMG!!!! I keep having to PINCH myself!!!
Last night Lloyd watched The Family Stone while I sat beside him at my writing table and painted ATC's for a while, then I got into bed and read Eclipse while he continued to watch The Family Stone (bloody depressing movie - he always puts it on and yes its a lovely movie but you know, its OUR family - it IS - its OUR family - THINK about it!!!! and then the mother DIES!!!!!! Just GREAT!!!! And Lloyd falls asleep before the end EVERY time and leaves me to watch it EVERY time and I end up crying EVERY time ALONE while he snores next to me!!!
So last night I refused to watch it with him - I painted and I read about my Edward ( and he is MY Edward ;)
And here we are - Monday - bloody Monday and Lloyd is at work again. He's phoned me twice but I still miss him :( I love three day weekends but I wish he could stay home every day :(
1 day ago