Moose poop!!
Well - THIS GUY sells 20 moose poop nuggets for $10!!!! And today on our walk on our land we saw pile after pile after PILE of moose poop!!! So I'm thinking I could start selling this on Ebay or I could start selling Moose poop jewellery like on THIS PAGE. What do you think????
Lol I did actually dry one out once and mailed it to my Mom - she has it in her glass cabinet along with some porcupine quills!!! Hahahhaa honestly!!! Moose poop doesn't smell when it's dried ;) hence the fact you can make crafts from it ;)
In Alaska they do all kinds of activities with it - I was telling Abigail today about the 'moose drop dropping' festival in Alaska!! She thinks we should ahve our own version of it here and have a prize!!!