On the way to the Canada Day festival we had to be diverted because we couldn't get up Hwy 21. There had been an accident. We had to drive right up to the accident site to get around and it was chaos. There was a motorcycle lying in the road, police cars, ambulance.......and they were gathered around a body in the road.......but not much was being done.....it didn't look good...but we were hoping we would find out that the man had been ok......sadly on the news tonight it said he was killed instantly.
The children were all in the car and have been asking questions. They saw the man there quite clearly and know he died. I'm sure they will have a lot of questions over the next few days.
Seeing death so close makes you appreciate life so much.....we have had a wonderful day out as a family and been able to enjoy making wonderful memories for another Canada Day...but some families today won't be so lucky. I feel very fortunate.
I drive past the scene of that accident most days. My thoughts will be with the bikers family when I do in the future.
1 day ago