I love Summer! I bloody LOVE Summer :)
Summer started at 5:59pm Friday evening :) Did you know that???? :)
Right now its 27c outside. OMG I LOVE Summer :) LOVE it :)
Chris started his new job today. Yesterday he didn't have job. Then I got mad at him about something and he started sulking and went out on a cycle ride and came back with a job! So I sorted that out with his new boss who seems like a really nice guy and is in fact one of our neighbours and has been friends with our other neighbours (who Chris also works for) for YEARS...so today Chris started work! He will work every weekend from 89am until 3pm and will be cutting grass, painting fences, and generally doing odd jobs for this guy who has his own business organizing horsing events etc etc.....
This guy has hired students for the last 15 years. He feeds Chris and gives him drinks all day and generally tels really bad jokes but Chris came home from his first day tired but happy with his job. He goes again tomorrow.
Abigail was invited to a birthday party today but we ended up being really late for it - Telus came to fix our phone line - turns out they could fix it quite cheaply and temporarily and then come back once the renos are done and move it all properly. So we have a phone line but were late for the party. Finally got there and had fun and it was nice for me to chat with Jennifer and Trish while Abigail played with her friends. Susie came too but stayed with me the whole time.
We went into town to buy Susannah a new bike. So finally we all have bikes that work! We can finally all go for a cycle ride together! We got Sam one too but stupidly Lloyd bought him a horn for his!!! OMG I swear I'm going to take a knife to it!!!! Why on earth would you buy a horn for a migraine sufferers child??????
We dropped Laurence at the twins house and he is sleeping there tonight - it was their birthday this week so we sent Laurie with some birthday gifts and some flying saucers to share!
Chris came home from his job and then his friend arrived and they have gone off to the movies so basically we only have three children here again - its funny because my parents had three children and I thin of Sharon who has two children.....and thats normal to her......Jennifer is about to have her second child and that will seem a lot to her to begin with.....
Yet to me...three seems so few...and when I only have three here I always think there is no point in cooking for just five of us! So tonight I am not bothering to make dinner - because there is no point - there are only three children here so whats the point in cooking for just three? Whats the point in cooking when there are just the five of us? And sometimes we will go out for dinner because there are only the five of us....lol....its funny how you think differently when there are normally seven of you :)
What else did we do today? Oh I bought Oprah magazine because it looks like such a good issue! Also Lloyd and I did a bee hive inspection on Flora and Fauna - its been over two weeks since we put the new Queens in and we wanted to see if they had laid eggs - I will update the bee blog a little later so you will have to check there for the answer :)
Tonight Lloyd and I are playing golf just outside here - tomorrow we may go to the driving range for a while :) Lloyd is off on Monday too - I am so glad its a three day weekend for us :)
Oh and Lloyd moved and replanted the Lilac - which was actually two Lilacs so we planted one by the workshop and one on the sledding hill and we took cuttings like my Mom advised. My Mom calls it a Buddleia and everyone else calls it Lilac so I have no idea what it is but I'm calling it a Lilac as its easier to spell lol!
It's been a busy day but good fun - I got to spend some time at Jennifers house which is always something I enjoy as she is such a great person and so comfortable to be around! Susie got her bike which she has wanted for a long time - she didn't have one last year so this is a very good thing :) Chris started his new job and gets to go to the movies with friends :) Laurie is sleeping at friends :) Best of all Summer is here - Did I tell you I love Summer?