Susannah and Abigail packed up a picnic of juice boxes, mini marshmallows and Graham crackers, took a notebook and pen and went out for an adventure......they were going for a walk with the dogs around our land.....
It wasn't long before they came back full of excitement because they ahd found a nest in a hole with eggs! White eggs the size of a dandelion clock. They wondered if they were hawk eggs as we see the hawks flying around a lot.....
I grabbed my camera (which I later realized had no memory card in!!) and headed out to see the eggs...I ahd emailed Lloyd to tell him the news so we were all excited that we may have more eggs to watch hatch!
I hike across the front paddock through all the long grass....we finally find the hole (not easy in tall grass) and there is the egg......except it isn't an egg! It's a toadstool growing otu fo a lump of horse poo!!!!!!
Too funny! The girls were so disappointed...but it was funny really :)
Still, they had fun on their adventure and even stopped to draw some flowers in their notebook...their drawings of the dandelion clocks were especially good.
1 day ago