" ."Our third workshop will be held in May titled " Here there are dragons” .
Using Schema focused methods for challenging childhood/traumatic life traps or
resistant behaviour
So The Farmhouse Therapy Centre recently held the above workshop.....hmmmm its about issues adults have that date back to childhood experiences......hhhmmmm
And how funny that it was run by the owner of this therapy centre......my EX...the same ex that has not spoken to his children since Xmas 02...the very same Ex who hasn't seen his children since September 02...and then was late to come and pick them up because he didn't get out of bed on time........the same ex that lives in a half a million pound farmhouse and can honeymoon in the Caribbean and visit NYC regularly to see his Mom but can't come a few hours further to see his own children.....he doesn't send letters, doesn't email, doesn't phone....they sometimes get birthday cards and a little money...sometimes not...it's a guessing game for the children....maintenance hasn't been reliable lately......even though he pays a lot less than he really should...
He's 'curing' clients who were treated this way by their fathers....and they are paying hundreds for the privilege........can't he see that he's doingt he same thing to his own children?????
How ironic is that???????
And I bet none of his clients have a clue what their therapist is really like......ah but of course they all probably believe his wicked ex wife 'stole' his children away from him! That I won't allow contact.......he even has his new wife fooled...doesn't she wonder why he doesn't maske any effort to see his children????
Irony...what a funny thing it is........