Quite often I read ignorant comments about homeschooling....silly things like 'people only homeschool so they can stay in bed late in the mornings'....or 'they only homeschool so they don't have to bother making school lunches'......or 'they only homeschool because they are lazy'......
.......and then days like today you read comments by these same types of people saying how they are so happy their kids are on summer holidays now because they get to do 'fun things' with them........
.....don't they see that THIS is why most people homeschool....because they LIKE being with their kids and they WANT to be the person their kids are doing these things with ALL YEAR!!!!
I hope if anything that this blog shows the few who read it what homeschooling can look like.......every homeschooling family is different but this is one way it works. I don't stay in bed all day.......I don't sit and watch Dr Phil and Oprah all day.......I'm not homeschooling because its the 'easy option'.....I homeschool because I love what it brings to us as a family. I love what it brings out in my children. I love being there to see them learn and do and watch and grow and shine. I don't want all this limited to 9 weeks in the summer.
What annoys me most is that those with these ridiculous opinions actually seem to know very little about homeschooling and don't seem to know many if any homeschoolers...so what are their opinions based on???? Jokey comments that homeschoolers have made?????? Or what?????? Because in all my years of homeschooling and mixing with homeschoolers and chatting online with homeschoolers, not ONCE have I EVER come across anyone say that they homeschool so they can stay in bed in the mornings.....or not have to make lunches......
This is a total misinterpretation. I have heard homeschoolers say that its nice that they don't have to get up and rush their kids out the door to school...I have heard them say its nice that they don't have to make lunches in the evenings when they are tired or early in the morning in the before-school rush.........but thats a 'benefit' not a reason for choosing to homeschool.
What do these comments (and others) prove to me? they prove that these women are ignorant and a littler sad because they seem to have no better argument. Are they just trying to justify their own choices??? I'm not sure.......all I know is that I have never judged their choices in that way yet they feel able to judge mine quite rudely. My opinion of these women is not very good but I'll leave my opinions about THAT to myself ;)
1 day ago