Quite a day! This morning was nice. I got some chores done and then we all sat at the table and wrote to our penpals...each of the children has a few penpals....includinga few new ones. I wrote to my Nan and started a letter to Lianne. Abigail wrote to Isaac.
I was puzzled this morning. I lost my Avon foot file a couple of months ago...you know the kind of thing...you use it to rub off all the yucky skin on your feet...loooovely!!! Anyway it vanished ages ago...coudn't find it anywhere......so this morning I walk into the sitting room and there it is...on the sofa!!!!! Exactly where you expect to find a foot file!!!!! What on earth was it doing there????
Laurie made orange jello hoping it would be ready for lunch but learnt you have to be patient with jello...so they had it for dessert tonight instead!
After lunch we drove into town as the boys had homeschool gym class. I took the others to the thrift store which was so much fun!!! I love that my girls get excited over the 'hunt' for bargains at the thrift store!!!! They couldn't care less about designer labels etc...they know what they like!!! Susannah found a TON of new clothes there.....and Abigail found some fab purple sunglass that matched her outfit......I got a few books (no surprise there) and some things for the boys...oh including a great wall sticker kit of Garfield for Laurie!
After we picked the boys up we headed to the homeschool office......where they preceded to give Chris someone elses exam results - DETAILED exam results.....they are so lax about confidentiality there.....Still, one more week and we are DONE with that schoolboard yay!!! :) They are so ignorant of homeschooling issues...and don't even know anything about other homeschool boards and what is available...you'd think they would be interested in knowing about their 'competition'.........they know NOTHING about getting into college as a homeschooled child either......they seem to think you HAVE to have a diploma!!! Duh!!!!
I am excited about beginning with EU instead.
After that we ran to the Kinsmen to pick up CHris's application for the training course he is taking this summer. He is doing a Leaders in Training course with three levels...basically it will teach him how to run summer camps for kids...even teaches child psychology...he has to put in 70 hours of voluntary work and attend training nights.....I htink he will enjoy it!
On the way home we stopped off at Tims as I owed Laurie a large Iced Capp for his latest book review. Chris got a coffee as did I. Then home finally.
I made grilled beef with savoury brown rice. I added some diced new potatos to the rice which was really nice......
I didn't each much though as my throat started to hurt in town and has since become much worse...it hurts to swallow and hurts right up into my ears.......I am sooo hoping I don't have a cold coming. I haven't had a cold in so long!
The Oilers are playing atm. So far it's 1-1 which isn't good. Go Oilers Go!!!!!!
The kids were so much fun today.......I love how much our relationship has improved since they stopped school. They are really great company.
The girls took the dogs for a walk just after dinner....they like to go on their 'adventures' each day around our land. More often than not they come back with doodles and sketches in their notebooks. Sometimes Susie takes the camera with her to picture their adventure!
They are outside playing hopscotch now, Laurie is helping Lloyd dig the trench for the chicken run and Chris is watching hockey. Sam is out with Lloyd too......he loves being outside.
I was chatting to a someone in ONtario this morning....she is going to the UK on holiday soon and staying in Wells of all places!!!! She asked if I knew Somerset....Ha!!! I grew up there...all my family are there!!!!! Such a small world :) So I suggested a few places they might like to visit. I am so jealous of them going over!!!! Hope they have a great time though.....so many people go to the UK and just do London but the South West is so beautiful and so rich in history!!
Please please don't let me wake up full of a cold tomorrow! Let this sore throat turn out to be nothing!!!!!
1 day ago